
Научен документарен филм - call for projects
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Author:  pikantez [ 30 Jan 2014, 16:13 ]
Post subject:  Научен документарен филм - call for projects

денес налетав на огласов, па знам има некои техничари и научници на форумов.
20 феб е можда краток рок за спремање на проект, ама ако има некој заинтересиран со идеја, може да развиеме концепт годинава и да пробаме идната година...

Have you ever thought about making a film about science?

Apply for the Camp 4SCIENCE with your science documentary project!

Extended deadline for science documentary projects: February 20, 2014

Download your application form here...

Participation is free of charge, Camp 4SCIENCE will cover participants´ accommodation and travel.

2nd edition of the Camp 4SCIENCE is a 1st international training and co-financing event focused on the development and funding of science documentary films in Central and Eastern Europe. During the 4 day programme, participating directors and producers will develop a subject, storytelling and a graphic tools and visual style of their projects, as well as learn about budgeting, most suitable funding possibilities, most recent broadcasters and their science slots, festivals and sales. It will put special attention to science documentaries’ unique form, particular rules and its specialized market and distribution channels.

The programme will include case studies of outstanding European science documentary films as well as sessions and panel discussions with the world´s key science popularisers. The Camp will be lead by experienced international consultants and experts, broadcasters, producers, directors as well as specialists who work in the area of science popularization.

The final day of the Camp 4SCIENCE will be dedicated to round table presentations where the participants will introduce their projects to the international commissioning editors, funds and festival representatives.

Where: Olomouc, Czech Republic; within the Industry 4SCIENCE section of Academia Film Olomouc

When: April 16-19, 2014

Who can apply:

- Teams of producers and directors who work on development or production of a science documentary film.

- Both experienced filmmakers as well as those who are just starting with science documentary genre.

- Fluent English is required.

- Teams from Central and Eastern Europe, app. 3 projects will be selected from West European countries.

Aim: As the science documentary film doesn’t have a strong tradition in Central and Eastern Europe, the Camp 4SCIENCE strives to encourage local producers and filmmakers to explore this documentary genre, to get connected with the science documentary film professionals, researchers and scientists, to develop their ideas and find new topics. In the long term, Camp 4SCIENCE’s goal is to boost the science documentary film production in Eastern and Central Europe.

Camp 4SCIENCE is a part of industry programme of Academia Film Olomouc that currently ranks among top European festivals focusing on science documentaries. Its major goal is to present up-to-date information from all spheres of knowledge and thus promote science to the general public, young audiences, and film and television professionals.

The festival Academia Film Olomouc facilitates unique meetings of professionals from film and television industry with specialists who work on science popularization such as prominent researchers and academic workers.

Through our industry platform we want to give a chance to scientific workers to popularize current researches audiovisually and at the same time to offer a source of attractive topics from the science and research fields to representatives of film and television industry.

To young filmmakers who are interested in scientific documentary we offer an opportunity to consult their suggestions and projects with renowned European specialists (TV producers, commissioning editors etc.) within the unique Camp 4SCIENCE.

Part of the industry section within AFO festival is a Net 4SCIENCE conference focusing on popularization of science (not only) in film and on

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