Dear friends of Blato and caricature
With ten years of festival of humour in Blato and forty years of my journlistic work in Pomet, the humouristc addition of Slobodna Dalmacija (circulation of 70.000), we are going to issue a book with the participants of the festival and Pomet colaborators, includiing 300 chosen cricaturists. We need, at the latest by 01.05. 2010., one of your original caricatures max A3 format (210 x 297mm), free theme, preferably in colour, one personal photo, short biography (place and time of birth, proffesion, job, awards…) and your e-mail, phone numbers and address. You can send everything by e-mail, and one original (after scanning) also by regular mail, bacause all included authors are also participate of the exhibition which will, from Split, go to Sofia (Bulgaria), Skoplje (Macedonia), Warsaw (Poland), Zagreb (Croatia), Gorizia (Italy), Bratislaw (Slovakia)…
The original will remain in the future museum of national importance.
Looking forward to your responses with great joy,
Igor Brešan
Director of the Blato festival and editor of Pomet
Slobodna Dalmacija
Igor Brešan
21204 Dugopolje
Dugopoljska 11
_________________ Живот... динамичен колоиден систем во кој реверзибилно со состојбата ти поминува во гел!