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Each year, Fumetto – International Comix-Festival Lucerne holds a competition to give comic creators the opportunity to compare their work, present it to a broader public and to exchange views with others. The competition’s theme this year is Energy.
Conditions Deadline: 17th of January 2011 (date of postmark) Format: A4 or A3 (other formats will be disqualified) Form: only Comics (stories in picture form), no cartoons accepted, no digital entries Number of pages: maximum 4 (only 1 comic) Labelling: name, address, telephone number, e-mail and date of birth on the back of each page Packaging: sturdy envelope, no rolls Return Postage: if the return postage is not enclosed or not sufficient, the works will not be sent back but kept for one year only For Siwss Nationals: stamps, or money in the value of the stamps needed For Foreigners: 5 Euro Categories: Cat. 1: 18 years or older / Cat. 2: 13 to 17 years / Cat. 3: up to 12 years of age Schools: Please enclose a list with names and details (see Labelling ) of the participating students and information about the school/class. The Jury 2011 René Fuhrimann, socialcultural animator, Lucerne Andreas Gefe, comic artist and illustrator, Zurich Duscha Kistler, art historian and art director of Fantoche Int. Animation Film Festival, Zurich Robi Müller, organizer shape Lucerne, Zurich Sabine Witkowski, editor Carlsen Verlag, Hambrug Exhibition Forty to fifty comics will be nominated by the jury for the exhibition during the festival. Those not nominated will be shown in folders.
The Prizes The jury will award three prizes in each age-category. There will also be a prize for the best scenario, regardless of the categories. The festival's visitors will be able to vote for the peoples choice award. The winners will receive cash prizes totalling 5000 CHF, and goods to the same value. Send to Fumetto Competition, PO Box 5163, CH-6000 Luzern 5