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МАКЕДОНСКИ СТРИП ФОРУМ - View topic - Dark Reign }:)
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Dark Reign }:) 
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Сеирџикус Максимус
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Joined: 24 Jan 2009, 16:35
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abe oti nigde nema spojkite so thor i civil war i se natamo, t.e. oti nigde ne mozam da najdam nieden torent so thor da si spojam so se desi so thor i so cekano negov? ako ima nekoj torent ili link ili ako gi ima kazete oti se ubiv od baranje :)


27 Jan 2010, 20:29
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Зен Мастер Форумџија
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Joined: 02 Feb 2009, 01:58
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Ваљда мислиш на причата у Fantastic Four пред Civil War... Ако мислиш на тоа, тогаш чеканот остана кај што беше (во Аризона мислам) се додека не се појави една жгољава фигура со иницијали Д.Б. и си го собра :mrgreen:
А ако мислиш на актуелниве броеви, тогаш dr. Strange му помогна да го “закрпи“ .

Него... од preview на Siege #2


We are things that labor under the illusion of having a self, this accretion of sensory experience and feeling, programmed with total assurance that we are each somebody when, in fact, everybody's nobody.

28 Jan 2010, 23:53
Зен Мастер Форумџија
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UFOES beja onije a?
Gimam crtano za privatnjak :)

ејм фор д бушес!

29 Jan 2010, 00:05
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Пензиониран Мрчатор
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Oni se. The U-Foes. Mada mislam deka samo dvajca od niv se X-Ray (crveniot) i Vector. Povekje tuka: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/U-Foes

* Real Name: Simon Utrecht
* Power: Telekinesis, limited to attract or repel matter from his own body. Enormously powerful, as by focusing his power into blasts he was even capable of flaying most of the Hulk's skin and muscle tissue from his body when the latter resisted,[7] and repelled the structure of reality itself within the 'Crossroads' nexus, with force he claimed was sufficient to hurl entire worlds.[8] Also capable of flight.
* Background: Simon Utrecht was a successful businessman, industrialist, and politician who craved more power. He used his resources to copy everything about the Fantastic Four's flight into space, and hired a crew in the hopes of gaining superpowers.

[edit] Vapor

* Real Name: Ann Darnell
* Powers: Has the power to alter her form into any known gas, usually the most lethally poisonous she can imagine while invading an opponent's body. Vapor can transform into her fully human state for only brief periods.
* Background: Was hired by Simon to be the life-support engineer on his space ship. Is Jimmy Darnell's older sister.

[edit] X-Ray: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X-Ray_(comics)

* Real Name: James "Jimmy" Darnell
* Powers: Has been permanently transformed into a living energy field, intangible and immune to most physical harm. Has the power to expel various forms of heavy radiation in the form of very potent blasts, shown capable of hurting even the Hulk,[9] and the ability to fly, or turn invisible.[8] He has also been able to emit negative-gamma rays that turn the Hulk back into Bruce Banner, but this is only effective so long as he is conscious.
* Background: He was hired by Simon to be the spaceship's fuel-propulsion systems engineer. Is Ann Darnell's younger brother.

[edit] Ironclad

* Real Name: Michael Steel
* Powers: Permanently transformed into organic metal similar to the X-Man Colossus. Superhuman strength, durability, and the ability to increase or decrease his own weight, hovering in the air,[9] or crushing like a mountain. Ironclad's form was initially composed of jagged folds of metal; however, after briefly losing control of his weight-altering powers and sinking deep into the Earth's crust, he emerged with his body smoothed and polished by the friction of his passage.
* Background: He was hired by Simon as a scientist, engineer, and skilled pilot.

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29 Jan 2010, 10:50
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Сеирџикус Максимус
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29 Jan 2010, 14:06
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Зен Мастер Форумџија
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Toa e у редовната серија. Читај даље. Екстра е ;)

We are things that labor under the illusion of having a self, this accretion of sensory experience and feeling, programmed with total assurance that we are each somebody when, in fact, everybody's nobody.

29 Jan 2010, 14:15
Манга Падаван
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Брајан (незнам зошто, ама знам дека ти ќе знаеш :D ) најдов на нет дека за читање на Dark Reign немало некој посебен редослед.
Треба само Secret Invasion #8, Secret Invasion: Dark Reign, Dark Reign: New Nation да ги прочитам па после како сакаш, немало некој ред. Точно е ова или... ?
И ако не е точно, ако не те мрзи да пишеш како е редоследот :)
Фала однапред :)


Живот... динамичен колоиден систем во кој реверзибилно со состојбата ти поминува во гел! :D

27 Apr 2010, 22:07
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Зен Мастер Форумџија
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Нема апсолутно никаков редослед. Dark Reign не е евент, него е “состојба“ или во превод сите Marvel-ови наслови беа под банерот Dark Reign. И овдека за разлика од предходните (House of M, Civil War, Secret Invasion), нема главен серијал. Во превод одбери си јунаци кои сакаш да ги следиш и читај ги изданијата нивни кои се под банерот Dark Reign.

Мои препораки ти се следниве:

Dark Avengers #1-#12 ова ти е тимот Avengers составен од негативци под водство на Norman Osborn

Utopia :
- X-Men/Dark Avengers: Utopia
- Uncanny X-Men #513,
- Dark Avengers #7,
- Uncanny X-Men #514,
- Dark Avengers #8,
- Dark Avengers-Uncanny X-Men - Exodus
X-Men го јадат стапот највеќе од владеењето на Osborn

American Son (Amazing Spider-Man #595-599)

И за крај обавезно Siege како шлаг на целата работа. Првите 3 броја се веќе излезени, а четвритот излегува на почеток на Мај.

We are things that labor under the illusion of having a self, this accretion of sensory experience and feeling, programmed with total assurance that we are each somebody when, in fact, everybody's nobody.

27 Apr 2010, 22:22
Манга Падаван
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Данкешен :)


Живот... динамичен колоиден систем во кој реверзибилно со состојбата ти поминува во гел! :D

27 Apr 2010, 22:26
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