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МАКЕДОНСКИ СТРИП ФОРУМ :: View topic - konkursi

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Author:  pikantez [ 17 Feb 2010, 15:46 ]
Post subject:  konkursi

topik za objavuvanje na razni konkursi, tenderi i sl od festivali i institucii.

konkurs za kratka prikazna (nagrada 1000 E) od festivalot vo Huesca, Spanija. Na angliski.


The Huesca International Film Festival announces the Literary Cinema Short Story Contest, sponsored by the Fundación Anselmo Pié Sopena of Huesca.

All authors are eligible to participate.
Works must be original and unpublished, written in Spanish or English. Only one entry per author will be admitted. Entries must be submitted unsigned, only identifiable by a slogan, which must be repeated outside the closed envelope. Within the envelope should appear the title of the story, the writer’s name and personal details for identification (current address, telephone and passport number). Entries can also be sent by e-mail (info@huesca-filmfestival.com) as a Word attachment, in which case the writer’s personal details will be sent by post or as a separate attachment within the same e-mail.
The subject will be CINEMA and its world, environment, characters, creators, social circumstances…
Each work must not exceed a maximum of 31 lines, typed on one side of an A4 page, using double line-spacing.
The deadline for submissions is April, 1st 2010.
A selection committee will select the stories that will be given to the Jury.
A single prize of one thousand euro (1000€) is established. The awarded short story will be published in the general catalogue of the Festival, and any other media as deemed fit.
Non-winning works will not be returned, and these will be destroyed.
Works must be sent in quadruplicate to:
Festival de Cine de Huesca
C/ Parque, 1 2º
22002 Huesca

with the inscription “For the International Cinema Short Story Contest” clearly visible on the envelope.

The Jury will be composed of three members, designated by the Board of Directors of the Huesca Film Festival. The prize will be given publicly, coinciding with the proceedings of the Festival.
Participation in this contest means full acceptance of the present regulations.

Author:  aquafortune [ 17 Feb 2010, 21:50 ]
Post subject:  Re: konkursi

Примате контести од Дивиант? :D

Author:  pikantez [ 17 Feb 2010, 22:34 ]
Post subject:  Re: konkursi

toa e idejata za topikot ;)
p.s. - ovie od deviant, ako nema nagrada vo vid na pari i sl, i ako se mnogu cesti (na pr. ednas nedelno), togas podobro da se otvori nov topik.

Author:  aquafortune [ 18 Feb 2010, 12:49 ]
Post subject:  Re: konkursi

Нема да има потреба да се отвараат нови теми и да се пренатрупува, па да неможе после ништо да се најде, во оваа тема претпоставувам нема често да се постира, така да се ќе биде средено и прегледно. :D

Author:  Пепи [ 18 Feb 2010, 13:26 ]
Post subject:  Re: konkursi

ако може и ако има официјална веб страна од CINEMA SHORT STORY CONTEST да напишеш

Author:  pikantez [ 18 Feb 2010, 14:59 ]
Post subject:  Re: konkursi

i direkten link do stranata :

Author:  Пепи [ 18 Feb 2010, 22:32 ]
Post subject:  Re: konkursi


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