Сеирџикус Максимус
Joined: 24 Jan 2009, 16:35 Posts: 5116

eve i nesto so ima raboteno siziko
RESISTANCE dc comics / wildstorm, 6 issue limited series. penciller & inker
STAR WARS: CLONE WARS, Free Comic Book Day 2008 dark horse comics, cover art & interior 8pg short artist (full colour)
NYX: NO WAY HOME 2-6 marvel comics, 6 issue limited series inker
STAR WARS: CLONE WARS, CRASH COURSE dark horse comics, cover art artist (full colour)
JSA CLASSIFIEDS 35-37: WILDCAT dc comics, 3 issue story arc penciller & inker
DEGRASSI: EXTRA CREDIT V2 madison press, 124pg graphic novel. artist (b&w)
DRAWING THE LINE, AGAIN: GOOD-BYE vei press, 4pg short story artist (b&w) & co-plotter
PUT THE BOOK BACK ON THE SHELF, A Belle & Sebastian anthology: EXPECTATIONS image comics, 10pg short story colourist
BUTTERNUTSQUASH Collection speakeasy comics, 22pg comic book creator, co-writer & artist (full colour)
SPELLGAME speakeasy comics, 3 issue arc artist (full colour)
THE INCREDIBLES movie adaptation dark horse comics, 4 issue limited series inker
HULK: GAMMA GAMES marvel comics, 3 issue limited series penciller
THUNDERCATS: ORIGINS wildstorm comics, 16pg short story penciller
TEARS FOR EVERYMAN green ronin, 8pg short story penciller & inker
RIFTS: MACHINATIONS OF DOOM* palladium books inc, 128pg graphic novel writer & artist (b&w)
*originally serialized in 8 chapters in the rifter magazine in 1999/2000. collected into a trade paperback with new art and cover in 2007. CHILDRENS BOOKS / MAGAZINES
OWL KIDS max finder mysteries (ongoing monthly 4pg comic installments)
RANDOM HOUSE / TUNDRA the best bike book
PRECEDENCE ENT. GROUP rifts ~ premeire set
WIZARDS OF THE COAST legend of the five rings : alpha 2001 legend of the five rings : gold edition released under aeg legend of the five rings : spirit war legend of the five rings : soul of the empire under five rings publishing group: legend of the five rings : fire and shadow legend of the five rings : ambitions debt legend of the five rings : honor bound legend of the burning sands : the awakening legend of the five rings : hidden emperor 7 – 9 legend of the burning sands : black hand, black heart legend of the five rings : hidden emperor 4 – 6 legend of the five rings : hidden emperor 1 – 3 ROLEPLAYING GAMES
AEG 7th sea : nations of théa 3 ~ montainge 7th sea : knights of the rose and cross 7th sea : nations of théa 2 ~ avalon 7th sea : nations of théa 1 ~ pirate nation
7th sea : players handbook 7th sea : gamemaster’s guide legend of the five rings : walking the way legend of the five rings : way of shadow legend of the five rings : lion clan legend of the five rings : code of the bushido legend of the five rings : scorpion clan legend of the five rings : crane clan legend of the five rings : crab clan legend of the five rings : ryoko owari
FANTASY FLIGHT midnight vortex hacan armada
GREEN RONIN / SUPER UNICORN mutants & masterminds: freedom city V2 (cover) mutants & masterminds: V2 (cover) mutants & masterminds: lockdown (cover) mutants & masterminds: gimmick’s gadgets mutants & masterminds: foes of freedom mutants & masterminds: allies of freedom mutants & masterminds: crooks mutants & masterminds: adventures mutants & masterminds: freedom city (interior & cover) mutants & masterminds
IRON CROWN martial arts companion
PALLADIUM BOOKS INC powers unlimited two (cover) powers unlimited one (cover) nightbane : shadows of light palladium fantasy: wolfen empire (cover) palladium fantasy: land of the damned – two rifter 18:
rifts aftermath palladium fantasy: land of the damned – one after the bomb 2nd edition rifts: book of magic rifts: gamemaster’s guide coalition wars: siege on tolkeen 6 rifter 14: rifts – lonestar ch.8 rifter 13: rifts – lonestar ch.7 heroes unlimited: gramercy island coalition wars: seige on tolkeen 5 coalition wars: seige on tolkeen 4 rifter 12: rifts – lonestar (the monkey interlude/ coalition wars: seige on tolkeen 3 coalition wars: seige on tolkeen 2 rifter 11: rifts – lonestar ch.6 heroes unlimited limited ed. hc. (end sheets) coalition wars : seige on tolkeen rifter 10: rifts – lonestar ch.5 rifter 9: rifts – lonestar ch.4 rifter 8: rifts – lonestar ch.3 rifter 7: rifts – lonestar ch.2 rifts 20: canada rifter 6: rifts – lonestar ch.1 palladium fantasy book 9: baalgor wastelands rifts 19: australia one rifts 18: mystic russia rifts 17: warlords of russia rifts 12: psyscape heroes unlimited 2nd edition rifts 16: federation of magic rifts sourcebook 4: coalition navy rifts 15: spirit west rifts 14: new west rifts 13: lone star nightbane: through the glass darkly palladium fantasy: dragons and gods 2nd ed. nightbane: nightlands palladium fantasy book 2: old ones 2nd ed.
PARADIGM PUBLISHING legend of the five rings : bloodspeakers (interior & cover)
STEVE JACKSON GAMES transhuman space: personel files (interior & cover) hellboy gurps: cliffhanger 2e gurps: atomic horror gurps: atlantis in nomine 2001 calendar in nomine: superiors 4 / rogues to riches in nomine: superiors 3 / hope and prophecy in nomine: superiors 2 / pleasures of the flesh gurps: new sun in nomine: superiors 1 / war and honor in nomine: you are here / around the world in 666 days in nomine: revelations v / the final trumpet in nomine: infernal players guide gurps: russia in nomine: angelic players guide in nomine: revalations iii / heaven and hell in nomine: revelations ii / the marches
WEST END GAMES star wars classic adventures vol.5
star wars: hide outs, bases and strongholds
SABERTOOTH GAMES warhammer fantasy: premiere set warhammer 40k: coronis warhammer 40k: set 3
* For a more up-to-date listing of RPG & CCG publications featuring my work please visit: PEN-PAPER.net MAGAZINE fiction
AEG shadis 44 ~ let sleeping gods lie
PAIZO PUBLISHING dungeon magazine 98 / i, jensari dungeon magazine 97 / heart of the iron god polyhedron magazine 153 / gamma world
WIZARDS OF THE COAST polyhedron magazine 152 / thunderball rally star wars gamer 10 – jedi’s legacy star wars gamer 9 – race for the tessent star wars gamer 8 – the vaynai archipelago star wars gamer 7 – reckonings star wars gamer 6 – bounties to die for star wars gamer 5 – rogues gallery: the dark side star wars gamer 4 – the shaman MAGAZINE editorial-non fiction
KOSTUCH PUBLICATIONS LTD. hotelier, may/june 2002 hotelier, investor’s supplement, april 2002 foodservice & hospitality, february 2002 hotelier, november/december 1998 foodservice & hospitality, november 1997 foodservice & hospitality, june 1997 hotelier, march/april 1997 foodservice & hospitality, march 1997 foodservice & hospitality, june 1996 foodservice & hospitality, april 1996
_________________ http://darkoristevski.blogspot.com/
Зен Мастер Форумџија
Joined: 23 Jan 2009, 08:13 Posts: 15550 Location: Skopje, Macedonia
lele zabeguvanje prikazna.... ali crtez, fantazija
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