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Издавачка куќа СТРИП КВАДРАТ 
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Зен Мастер Форумџија
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"To be brave in battle proves nothing. Bravery itself proves nothing. A Jedi should be prepared to put aside fear, regret and uncertainty and either fight, run, surrender or die."

07 Jan 2015, 20:59
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Epa bujrum site vo Petok na promocija:


Se razbira, na denot na promocijata, site izdanija po PROMOTIVNI ceni!

"Cuvarite na Vechnata Svetlina" 250 den. (mek povez)/ 350 den. tvrd povez
"Prviot Pretsedatel" 120 den.
"Ucitelot od Smilevo" 120 den.

Dokolku nekoj ne gi nabavil nasite prethodni izdanija, i tie ke bidat na denot na promocijata so promotivni ceni ;)

"Vojdan" 350 den. (mek povez)/ 500 den. tvrd povez
"Razlicni Svetovi" 350 den. (full kolor)
"Hrabrosta na Goce" 120 den.
"Pirinskiot Car" 120 den.
"Junakot od Meckin Kamen" 120 den.

I plus, ke ima IZLOZBA na strip tabli od "Cuvarite na Vechnata Svetlina" .
Pozdrav i ve cekame!

A man who uses his hands is a laborer. One who uses his hands and mind is a craftsman. He who uses his hands, his mind, and his heart is an artist.
St. Francis

18 Jan 2015, 11:53
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Зен Мастер Форумџија
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чуварите ќе не чуваат во петок :D
топ цена за албум!

Ова погоре напишаното е мое мислење и јас стојам позади него!

18 Jan 2015, 12:42
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Abe...aj neka mi zemi nekoj VOjdan i Cuvarite HC i neka mi gi pushti po glopko....ne bidete buljashi...
So posveta po mozhnos.

ејм фор д бушес!

18 Jan 2015, 14:06
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Aj cestiti i neka se mnozat!

"Тој шо бара - ќе си го најди."

18 Jan 2015, 14:13
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A man who uses his hands is a laborer. One who uses his hands and mind is a craftsman. He who uses his hands, his mind, and his heart is an artist.
St. Francis

18 Jan 2015, 19:03
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ејм фор д бушес!

18 Jan 2015, 20:22
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Da ne zaboravime, vo Petok se otvara i izlozbata na strip tabli od Igor:


A man who uses his hands is a laborer. One who uses his hands and mind is a craftsman. He who uses his hands, his mind, and his heart is an artist.
St. Francis

21 Jan 2015, 13:30
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Promocijata niz mediumi:


A man who uses his hands is a laborer. One who uses his hands and mind is a craftsman. He who uses his hands, his mind, and his heart is an artist.
St. Francis

23 Jan 2015, 12:41
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Суперхерој Под Стечај
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Уште еднаш честитки и прашање дали има шанси да има промоции низ други градови?

"You gonna do some prayin' for me, boy. And you better pray good."

23 Jan 2015, 19:01
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топ е албумот во рака, браво за печатницата

повеќе, одкога ќе го исчитам ;)

Ова погоре напишаното е мое мислење и јас стојам позади него!

24 Jan 2015, 01:01
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Игор и Никола, ју дидит аген! Шо би се рекло партали вчера.

"To be brave in battle proves nothing. Bravery itself proves nothing. A Jedi should be prepared to put aside fear, regret and uncertainty and either fight, run, surrender or die."

24 Jan 2015, 10:57
Магус Регуларус

Joined: 23 Dec 2009, 14:54
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Fala mnogu dechki! :)
Golema blagodarnost do site sto prisustvuvaa na vcherashnata promocija. Se nadevam deka ubavo si pominavte. Jas gi vidov site, a voedno i nikogo nevidov. Taka odi toa na promociite, posebno koga 90% od vremeto go posvetuvash na potpishuvanje albumi. Poddrshkata mnogu mi znachi i bez nea - teshko ponatamu. Koj neuspea da dojde na promocijata moze slobodno da me iskontaktira i da se najdeme vo kafe LI dodeka trae izlozbata (a ke trae nekade do 12-13 Fevruari). FALA na site ushte ednash :D .


24 Jan 2015, 11:38
Сеирџикус Максимус
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За убо да е и честитки!


04 Feb 2015, 01:45
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Пар молби;

1) Насловот на топиков да е напишан со кирилица
2) Да се отвори Ајвармен пејџ на фејсбук и дали секој ден, дали на ден-два-три да се постираат цртежи, скици, фан артови или што и да е. Неверојатно е колку јак и оригинален лик имаме на нашава стрип сцена. :mrgreen:

The only thin line for a man to be on, is the one between motivation and inspiration.
Во сон се родив, во сон живеам, во сон ќе умрам.
Thieves get rich and saints get shot and God don't answer prayers a lot.

11 Feb 2015, 18:06
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За Ајвармен, полека, ќе биде, ептен да не претераме со промоции, настани, да не биде се наеднаш во многу краток период. ;)

A man who uses his hands is a laborer. One who uses his hands and mind is a craftsman. He who uses his hands, his mind, and his heart is an artist.
St. Francis

11 Feb 2015, 19:13
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Ok e sega! :mrgreen:

A man who uses his hands is a laborer. One who uses his hands and mind is a craftsman. He who uses his hands, his mind, and his heart is an artist.
St. Francis

Last edited by Temnik on 11 Feb 2015, 19:46, edited 1 time in total.

11 Feb 2015, 19:17
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Насловот се менува во првиот пост, но со новите правила, не можеш да едитираш после 24 часа (иако си креатор на овој топик).

3 работи за успех во животот:
1. Биди позитивен.
2. Никогаш не кажувај се што знаеш.

11 Feb 2015, 19:46
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Site izdanija na STRIP KVADRAT ke mozat da se kupat i na SAEMOT za kniga (05.05. - 09.05), na istiot stand na EDUKA MAK kade se prodava Smesko. Povelete ve ocekuvame!


A man who uses his hands is a laborer. One who uses his hands and mind is a craftsman. He who uses his hands, his mind, and his heart is an artist.
St. Francis

02 May 2015, 22:28
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A man who uses his hands is a laborer. One who uses his hands and mind is a craftsman. He who uses his hands, his mind, and his heart is an artist.
St. Francis

25 Dec 2015, 16:21
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Shostore izdanija vaka be-bravo i se najubo....aj 2016 duplo barem!

ејм фор д бушес!

25 Dec 2015, 17:28
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Fala Micho, pa zdravje vo Novata se gledame na novi promocii! :D

A man who uses his hands is a laborer. One who uses his hands and mind is a craftsman. He who uses his hands, his mind, and his heart is an artist.
St. Francis

25 Dec 2015, 21:29
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So ministerkata-taman da mu ja klam edna.

ејм фор д бушес!

25 Dec 2015, 22:51
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Naskoro od Strip Kvadrat...


A man who uses his hands is a laborer. One who uses his hands and mind is a craftsman. He who uses his hands, his mind, and his heart is an artist.
St. Francis

29 Jan 2016, 11:45
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Bravo! :)

Креирајте македонски стрипови.
Читајте македонски стрипови.
Купувајте (по воља) македонски стрипови.

01 Feb 2016, 10:22
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