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МАКЕДОНСКИ СТРИП ФОРУМ - View topic - A Time Odyssey - Arthur C. Clarke; Stephen Baxter
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A Time Odyssey - Arthur C. Clarke; Stephen Baxter 
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Џуниор Џедај

Joined: 22 Feb 2009, 02:41
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Time's Eye
A Time Odyssey Series, Book 1
Series: A Time Odyssey
Arthur C. Clarke
Stephen Baxter

For eons, Earth has been under observation by the Firstborn, beings almost as old as the universe itself. The Firstborn are unknown to humankind — until they act. In an instant, Earth is carved up and reassembled like a huge jigsaw puzzle. Suddenly the planet and every living thing on it no longer exist in a single timeline. Instead, the world becomes a patchwork of eras, from prehistory to 2037, each with its own indigenous inhabitants.

Scattered across the planet are floating silver orbs impervious to all weapons and impossible to communicate with. Are these technologically advanced devices responsible for creating and sustaining the rifts in time? Are they cameras through which inscrutable alien eyes are watching? Or are they something stranger and more terrifying still?

The answer may lie in the ancient city of Babylon, where two groups of refugees from 2037 — three cosmonauts returning to Earth from the International Space Station, and three United Nations peacekeepers on a mission in Afghanistan — have detected radio signals: the only such signals on the planet, apart from their own. The peacekeepers find allies in nineteenth-century British troops and in the armies of Alexander the Great. The astronauts, crash-landed in the steppes of Asia, join forces with the Mongol horde led by Genghis Khan. The two sides set out for Babylon, each determined to win the race for knowledge...and the power that lies within.

Yet the real power is beyond human control, perhaps even human understanding. As two great armies face off before the gates of Babylon, it watches, waiting....

A Time Odyssey Series, Book 2
Arthur C. Clarke
Stephen Baxter

Returned to the Earth of 2037 by the Firstborn, mysterious beings of almost limitless technological prowess, Bisesa Dutt is haunted by the memories of her five years spent on the strange alternate Earth called Mir, a jigsaw-puzzle world made up of lands and people cut out of different eras of Earth’s history. Why did the Firstborn create Mir? Why was Bisesa taken there and then brought back on the day after her original disappearance?

Bisesa’s questions receive a chilling answer when scientists discover an anomaly in the sun’s core – an anomaly that has no natural cause is evidence of alien intervention over two thousand years before. Now plans set in motion millennia ago by inscrutable watchers light-years away are coming to fruition in a sunstorm designed to scour the Earth of all life in a bombardment of deadly radiation.

Thus commences a furious race against a ticking solar time bomb. But even now, as apocalypse looms, cooperation is not easy for the peoples and nations of the Earth. Religious and political differences threaten to undermine every effort.

And all the while, the Firstborn are watching...

A Time Odyssey Series, Book 3
Series: A Time Odyssey
Arthur C. Clarke
Stephen Baxter

Their first act was the Discontinuity, in which Earth was carved into sections from different eras of history, re-stitched into a patchwork world, and renamed Mir. Mir’s inhabitants included such notables as Alexander the Great, Genghis Khan, and United Nations peacekeeper Bisesa Dutt. For reasons unknown to her, Bisesa entered into communication with an alien artifact of inscrutable purpose and godlike power – a power that eventually returned her to Earth. There, she played an instrumental role in humanity’s race against time to stop a doomsday event: a massive solar storm triggered by the alien Firstborn designed to eradicate all life from the planet. That fate was averted at an inconceivable price. Now, twenty-seven years later, the Firstborn are back.

Моја препорака...

28 May 2009, 10:55
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Кларк владее! :!:

We are things that labor under the illusion of having a self, this accretion of sensory experience and feeling, programmed with total assurance that we are each somebody when, in fact, everybody's nobody.

28 May 2009, 11:06
Суперхерој Под Стечај

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Ги имам првите две, време е и за третата изгледа.
Само, прво да ја прочитам и вторава за почеток :)

29 May 2009, 01:12
Суперхерој Под Стечај

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Вторава е далеку послаба од првата :/
Што чекаат србиштава више со третава книга? :D

04 Nov 2009, 00:11
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@ barker : srbista - not cool

Komic Brew - Your freshly brewed comics

Lynx Animation Studios

15 Dec 2009, 17:35
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Суперхерој Под Стечај

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16 Dec 2009, 03:45
Зен Мастер Форумџија
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abe muabetot mi bese deka javno mesto e forumov sepak, a lesno se vregjaat lugjevo na balkanov.
jes da za makedonec da se kaze makedonciste mesto makedonce najverojatno kje bevme gordi na toa :)

Komic Brew - Your freshly brewed comics

Lynx Animation Studios

17 Dec 2009, 13:33
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Суперхерој Под Стечај

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само да пријавам дека лагуна конечно го издаде и третиот дел од временската одисеја! :)
првородени, поитајте! ;)

08 Jul 2010, 17:37
Сеирџикус Максимус
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....super .......

10 Jul 2010, 14:03
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