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МАКЕДОНСКИ СТРИП ФОРУМ - View topic - А сад... Филмске Новости!
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А сад... Филмске Новости! 
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Новости од светот на филмот, најави, премиери...

25 Jan 2009, 23:08
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Првиот засебен филмски портрет од Икс Луѓето на пролет ќе го има Wolverine. Премиерата се очекува на 1-ви Мај 2009 (Каков историски датум!)

Last edited by Skywalker on 25 Jan 2009, 23:21, edited 1 time in total.

25 Jan 2009, 23:10
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Од светски познатиот автор Нил Гејмен и режисерот на Кошмар пред Божиќ, Хенри Селик. Светската премиера е најавена за 6-ти Февруари. Повеќе информации за овој најнов анимиран филм, работен во Full 3-D анимација можете да најдете на

25 Jan 2009, 23:18
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:D super ime za topikov :D....vulverin dobro izgleda,a koralin stripceto(valjda i knigata) e interesno :)....aj ke vidime crtaniov

ејм фор д бушес!

25 Jan 2009, 23:19
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:D Имево инспирирано од почетната најава од серијата Еднооки, нивна е заслугата шо оваа легендарна фраза на времето се изваде од нафталин!

25 Jan 2009, 23:24
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Inaku koralin ne e bash full 3de...poke ke da e stop moushn...posho eden tip sho go znam(virtuelno normalno :)) raboteshe na crtaniof.....od pukanki praveshe cvekjina na drva za scenografija na filmov
A to ednooki ke klajme isto tema....a otvorif i blog skoro so to crtezhite demek....

ејм фор д бушес!

25 Jan 2009, 23:27
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Легендарната игра на флипери! Иако мислам дека неуспешно пренесена на филмското платно. Според видениов трејлер, мислам дека и овојпат нема да се случи нешто особено маестрално. Ќе видиме, премиерата е најавена кон крајот на наредниот месец...Инаку, целосниот наслов на ова продолжение е: Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li

25 Jan 2009, 23:34
Магус Регуларус
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Ajdeeee....Od koga Chun Li stana belkinja? :o :shock: Da ne stanala i Modesti Blejz plavusa slucajno? :)


Last edited by Darbog Darkmore on 26 Jan 2009, 01:48, edited 1 time in total.

26 Jan 2009, 01:44
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Ова погоре напишаното е мое мислење и јас стојам позади него!

26 Jan 2009, 01:46
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Хехе, не бе, нема врска со Азија воопшто, Канаѓанка е глумицата :lol:
Кристин Лора Крук се вика, ја памти може некој од Smallville...
ИМДб линк: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0471036

Don't Damn Me When I Speak A Piece Of My Mind,
Cause Silence Isn't Golden When I'm Holding It Inside...

26 Jan 2009, 02:34
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Ова погоре напишаното е мое мислење и јас стојам позади него!

26 Jan 2009, 08:00
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Dobra e za Chun Li...ima prirodno zakoseni oci, taka da mene mi drzi voda izborot na ulogata...e sega kako ke ja odigra treba da vidime posto dosega ne sum ja videl vo nekoi akcioni ulogi, a za Chun Li, treba pobajagi da se tepa...t.e. da tepa drugi so Kung Fu...

Inaku jas, licno, bi ja izbral Kelly Hu, nekako povekje mi lici za ovaa uloga, a bogami sme ja videle vo dobri tepacki, setete se samo na Scorpion King, ili vtoriot del od X-Men...


Sto e so ostanatite ulogi, ima nekoj poznat..?

A man who uses his hands is a laborer. One who uses his hands and mind is a craftsman. He who uses his hands, his mind, and his heart is an artist.
St. Francis

26 Jan 2009, 23:49
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:o Какво мачеее... Голема грешка очигледно е направена во кастингот!

Last edited by Skywalker on 27 Jan 2009, 10:55, edited 1 time in total.

27 Jan 2009, 10:45
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Od Smolvil supermen tipkata....LAna LAng sho ja glumese....super,ama za chun li....dagebam!

ејм фор д бушес!

27 Jan 2009, 10:48
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more i tata bi sine

Ова погоре напишаното е мое мислење и јас стојам позади него!

27 Jan 2009, 11:04
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Манга Падаван
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Tetoec ! mi tekna deka me prasuese za filmov dali e iskocen i .........za zal e!
reed n' weep !!!!!!!!!!

review from IGN.

February 26, 2009 - Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li brings the Capcom videogame classic back to the silver screen after a 15 year absence. The title character (played by Smallville's Kristin Kreuk) is a pianist who hails from a wealthy Bangkok family. As a child, she witnesses the abduction of her well-connected, businessman father by the power-hungry criminal M. Bison (Neal McDonough) and his mammoth enforcer Balrog (Michael Clarke Duncan).

As an adult, Chun-Li gets the chance to avenge her family against Bison and his shadowy crime syndicate, Shadaloo. Mentored by kung fu master Gen (Mortal Kombat's Robin Shou), Chun-Li becomes a master warrior capable of taking the fight directly to Bison. She will encounter friend -- law enforcement agents Charlie Nash (Chris Klein) and Maya Sunee (Moon Bloodgood) -- and foe -- the masked, talon-wielding Vega (Taboo, of The Black Eyed Peas) -- alike during her quest for justice.

O, Jean-Claude, where art thou? God help me, but I think that I actually enjoyed the 1994 Street Fighter movie more than this version. While the original film might be awful and campy enough to make Joel Schumacher's Bat-films seem like The Dark Knight by comparison, it at least had some personality and MST3K-esque mock-worthiness to it. It provoked some kind of response from a viewer, which is more than can be said about this dour reboot. Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li is a mindless, soulless, mirthless affair, chock full of bad acting, bad dialog, and atrocious fight sequences.

Kristin Kreuk is the only cast member who doesn't embarrass herself, but that's not saying much. She acquits herself competently enough in the fight scenes, but in a film called Street Fighter you would expect there to be a lot of kick-ass fights, right? Instead, we're subjected to tired, wire-work sequences that went out of fashion years ago; no one ever seems in any real jeopardy of being hurt in these fights, and you don't get any sense of a character's brute force or skill. There's better staged and more enjoyable brawls between Peter and the Chicken on Family Guy. The film simply limps along from one poorly staged set-piece to another, climaxing with a whimper rather than a bang.

As for the rest of the cast, Neal McDonough might have fared better had he not used a ridiculously bad Irish accent (because, you know, Bison is a quintessential Irish surname). What makes this choice all the more laughable is the fact that we see Bison, the orphaned son of Irish missionaries, as a BABY in the cradle of an orphanage in Bangkok where he is raised. So, despite having spent his entire life in the slums of Thailand, he still somehow sounds like Bono. This Bison is not the jet-booted dictator of the games, but rather the Southeast Asian underworld's answer to Donald Trump. His whole agenda is about acquiring real estate in Bangkok; the stakes couldn't have been grander than that?!

One-time Oscar nominee Michael Clarke Duncan is reduced to serving as the Benson of Shadaloo; Balrog is largely there in order to bring Bison his messages and mail. If you're expecting Vega to be this film's Darth Maul or Boba Fett, don't; he isn't in it a fraction as much as you might think. Worse, his one big fight scene is a joke -- you're left wondering, "This guy is Shadaloo's idea of a badass?!" -- and then he disappears from the movie. Moon Bloodgood's character brings to nothing to the table, with her only real function in the story being to serve as a possible love interest and foil for Nash.

Chris Klein delivers one of the most laughably bad screen performances of the decade. His Nash is a pompous greaseball who squints and preens his way through the entire film, barking orders at people who probably aren't even under his command and offering precious little to further the investigation. He even dozes off during a stakeout; no wonder it's taken him years to track down Bison! Worse, he doesn't do any actual hand-to-hand fighting, relying instead on a handgun like any old movie cop. Why even bother to include his character then?

Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li probably deserves some credit for striving to make things more realistic, but they swung too far in that direction. It may not be as gaudy or goofy as its predecessor, but it's far more boring and banal. It's a videogame adaptation that loses sight of what made the game popular to begin with: it was fun. 1 1/2 star.

Here's one from the OrlandoSentinel.com
Anyone who remembers the godawful 1994 Jean Claude Van Damme/Raul Julia film based on the ancient video game Street Fighter will be shocked at how much better the new film built around the game's characters is.

No, it's not particularly good. The villains are either ninja-clones or generic black-suited thugs. The story is a straight vengeance tale about a daughter seeking to punish the man who murdered her dad. But the casting works, the settings (Bangkok and Hong Kong) are exotic and the martial arts brawls professionally mounted.

Kristin Kreuk, a mere slip of a thing from TV's Smallville, plays Chun Li, concert pianist-martial artist. I'm guessing she never got a bad review in her life. The lady kicks butt.

But when she was a child, her dad, a fellow mixed up with mobsters, disappeared. Now an adult, Chun Li must go to Bangkok and face her destiny and the baddie who took daddy.Michael Clarke Duncan is the man-
mountain chief-henchman. Chris Klein, taking a shot at showing us some edge, is an Interpol agent on the bad guys' trail and ultra-hottie Moon Bloodgood is his busty Bangkok cop counterpart.

"This guy walks through raindrops" Klein's cop tells the hot cop to impress her. There's this "Order of the Web" which needs to train Chun Li (Robin Shou is the mystical master), a "White Rose" that plays into the plot and serious beat-downs. The violence is neck-snapping, take-a-man's-gun-and-shoot-him-in-the-ear graphic. Did I mention the lesbian bar pick-up scene? Nice.
The dialogue, some of it Chun Li's voice-over, is arch and generic, but appropriately so – "Everywhere I looked, there was crime without punishment."The bad guy gets the best lines. Always.
"Your father has been the milk of my business. But even milk has an expiration date!"
The director, Andrzej Bartkowiak, did the film of the game Doom, so don't go getting your hopes up. At least he didn't Uwe Boll himself this time.I'd say this is roughly 20 times better than the first Street Fighter movie. It's still a waste of time, but unlike the game, it's over in 95 minutes. Nobody will accuse you of wasting your life.

Pepe Le Pew: Why did everyone leave? Oh, but of course! Already I have achieved a post of honor, and have been left to defend the fort. Viva la Republique!

27 Feb 2009, 20:11
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You could've just said "SKIP IT!" :lol:

Don't Damn Me When I Speak A Piece Of My Mind,
Cause Silence Isn't Golden When I'm Holding It Inside...

28 Feb 2009, 14:33
Ултимејт Резервист
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mene damjan mi rece da ne go gleam :D
i mislam deka ke go poslusham :D saat ipol zashteden :D

.... i'm like a monkey in a banana factory !!!

02 Mar 2009, 18:37
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Манга Падаван
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filmot i ne e taka los..... 5/10
imajte go vo predvid imeto na filmot The legend of Cun Li!
i ne ocekuvajte nekoja legendarna tepacka!!!!!
krajot na prikaznata ima edna golema dupka ali......??????? one can never know !!!!!!
i mozea (trebaa) da go pojavat Ryu na krajot !!!!!!! (filmot ke dobiese uste eden bod)

Pepe Le Pew: Why did everyone leave? Oh, but of course! Already I have achieved a post of honor, and have been left to defend the fort. Viva la Republique!

02 Mar 2009, 18:41
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The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus

09 Oct 2009, 18:57
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very intigantno...

Пазете се... демниме бавчи!!!

09 Oct 2009, 22:33
Манга Падаван
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Disney povtorno vo vodite na tradicionalnata animacija!

ima par crtani sto treba da izlezat slednata godina sto ke bidat HIT!

Pepe Le Pew: Why did everyone leave? Oh, but of course! Already I have achieved a post of honor, and have been left to defend the fort. Viva la Republique!

09 Oct 2009, 23:52
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па редно беше, баш ми недосигаа класичниве црани- да не се 3де анимирани комедии

Пазете се... демниме бавчи!!!

10 Oct 2009, 22:46
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3D go sakam kako efekti vo filmovi,vo crtani ne tolku
2Deto mi e super :)

ејм фор д бушес!

11 Oct 2009, 00:29
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Star Wars Zombie Week!

http://www.starwars.com/vault/books/new ... tml?page=1

Имаат некои добри решенија - ова ми е фаворит:


Ash nazg durbatuluk, ash nazg gimbatul, ash nazg thrakatuluk agh burzum-ishi krimpatul :twisted:
One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them, One Ring to bring them all and in the Darkness bind them :D

17 Oct 2009, 11:04
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