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Зен Мастер Форумџија
Joined: 23 Jan 2009, 14:37 Posts: 9468 Location: Градо на крушите.
E Крале, Смолвил и Медиум стварно истераа толку, ама ко што реков, ретки се таквите. Процентуално, многу повеќе наебале ради тој црн петок него што истерале на арно. Искрено, ни Лост немаше некои спектакуларни бројки во Вторник/Четврток, па пак ги истера предвидените 6 сезони. Инаку, обично Џеј Џеј на 5 сезони ги планира сериите, па ја би бил задоволен и ако Фринџ истера четири или пет, ќе им се даде шанса на луѓево да ја заокружат цела приказна, но ако ја прекинат на три, ќе останат (пре)многу ствари недоискажани...
_________________ Don't Damn Me When I Speak A Piece Of My Mind, Cause Silence Isn't Golden When I'm Holding It Inside...
21 Nov 2010, 04:14 |
Зен Мастер Форумџија
Joined: 23 Jan 2009, 09:57 Posts: 16762
Ми фалеше епизода минатиот четврток, па си барав некои инфо да ме држат „загреан“ за следната епизода... Еве нешто интересно.
_________________ 3 работи за успех во животот: 1. Биди позитивен. 2. Никогаш не кажувај се што знаеш.
30 Nov 2010, 14:36 |
Зен Мастер Форумџија
Joined: 23 Apr 2010, 21:09 Posts: 8417 Location: Skopje
Ќе се најде некој добар човек да ми даде ова изрежано на ДВД
_________________ "To be brave in battle proves nothing. Bravery itself proves nothing. A Jedi should be prepared to put aside fear, regret and uncertainty and either fight, run, surrender or die."
30 Nov 2010, 20:13 |
Манга Падаван
Joined: 05 Jun 2009, 22:39 Posts: 1815
Зависно од собиранката, би можел да ти ги дадам јас на ДВД, ама осеќам дека Крале или Лаф ќе ме претркаат. Можда и Брајан
_________________ Thor: "Give your orders and ultimatums to those who choose to obey, or are too cowardly to fight, not to me. Or learn again the difference between a God of Thunder and a mortal man in a metal suit"
30 Nov 2010, 20:19 |
Зен Мастер Форумџија
Joined: 23 Apr 2010, 21:09 Posts: 8417 Location: Skopje
Ajде за наредна собиранка нека биде. Благодарност однапред.
_________________ "To be brave in battle proves nothing. Bravery itself proves nothing. A Jedi should be prepared to put aside fear, regret and uncertainty and either fight, run, surrender or die."
30 Nov 2010, 20:29 |
Зен Мастер Форумџија
Joined: 25 Jan 2009, 23:29 Posts: 7506 Location: Скопје, Македонија
_________________Ash nazg durbatuluk, ash nazg gimbatul, ash nazg thrakatuluk agh burzum-ishi krimpatul One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them, One Ring to bring them all and in the Darkness bind them
30 Nov 2010, 21:27 |
Манга Падаван
Joined: 05 Jun 2009, 22:39 Posts: 1815
_________________ Thor: "Give your orders and ultimatums to those who choose to obey, or are too cowardly to fight, not to me. Or learn again the difference between a God of Thunder and a mortal man in a metal suit"
30 Nov 2010, 22:10 |
Зен Мастер Форумџија
Joined: 23 Jan 2009, 09:57 Posts: 16762
За жал, јас не ги собирам. Гледам-бришам. Остануваш (сепак) ти ?TheRiddleR?, или евентуално Брајан, ама мислам дека и тој не ги собира. Значи пак доаѓаме до тебе, ?TheRiddleR?.
_________________ 3 работи за успех во животот: 1. Биди позитивен. 2. Никогаш не кажувај се што знаеш.
30 Nov 2010, 22:17 |
Манга Падаван
Joined: 05 Jun 2009, 22:39 Posts: 1815
_________________ Thor: "Give your orders and ultimatums to those who choose to obey, or are too cowardly to fight, not to me. Or learn again the difference between a God of Thunder and a mortal man in a metal suit"
30 Nov 2010, 22:43 |
Brian The Dog
Зен Мастер Форумџија
Joined: 02 Feb 2009, 01:58 Posts: 8775 Location: The Realm of Kapištec
Брајан не собира ништо одамна. Квазиколекционер сум.
_________________ We are things that labor under the illusion of having a self, this accretion of sensory experience and feeling, programmed with total assurance that we are each somebody when, in fact, everybody's nobody.
30 Nov 2010, 23:18 |
Зен Мастер Форумџија
Joined: 23 Apr 2010, 21:09 Posts: 8417 Location: Skopje
Ова се факти што лесно може да се проверат.
_________________ "To be brave in battle proves nothing. Bravery itself proves nothing. A Jedi should be prepared to put aside fear, regret and uncertainty and either fight, run, surrender or die."
01 Dec 2010, 00:21 |
Зен Мастер Форумџија
Joined: 23 Jan 2009, 14:37 Posts: 9468 Location: Градо на крушите.
Ја ги собирам, ама ја сум на “другата страна“ /Супер линкче, Крале. Убаво да се потсети човек на овие погадниве моменти, особено што ги нема многу во третава сезона... засега.
_________________ Don't Damn Me When I Speak A Piece Of My Mind, Cause Silence Isn't Golden When I'm Holding It Inside...
01 Dec 2010, 00:57 |
Зен Мастер Форумџија
Joined: 23 Jan 2009, 09:57 Posts: 16762
Многу оптимистички изјави, да се надеваме дека е така.. Fringe producers: Why our move to Fridays is a GOOD thingFans have been freaking out about Fox's announcement that beginning Jan. 28, Fringe will move to Friday nights at 9 p.m. ET/PT. Could this really be the beginning of the end for one of the best shows on television? Executive producers Jeff Pinkner and J.H. Wyman don't think so. "We are excited," said Wyman. "We think it's open territory that can be conquered. We really do believe our fans are loyal. I believe they're going to follow. It's a chance for us to get away from that statement that Friday night is not an opportune night. [We believe] we can actually deliver like The X-Files did. ... I think we both agree it's a good opportunity." "When Fox informed us of the move, what was most important to us is we understand that our audience is watching the show, not like a standalone audience watches the show, but their actually watching it as an investment over time," said Pinkner. "We wanted to be able to tell our audience that the story, the ongoing, the long arcing story that we have planned for our characters, is going to get told. It's funny, there are more Fringe fans in the building at Fox then any show we've ever worked on before. I think they and we all feel that if we can build a fan base on and carve out some territory on Friday night, we can be there for years." Wyman said that if the executive producers learned anything from Thursday nights, it was that their DVR numbers "are so high and the improvement is so great that we realize that our fans, they're watching the show. They're just telling us, 'We didn't want to watch it on Thursdays. We'll tell you when we want to watch it through the DVR.' Thursday night is traditionally a romantic comedy night, with the Bones and Grays ... We were assured we were going to be safe and not be taken off the air in that context, and [Fox] lived up to it," he said. However, things have changed for Fringe and for the television, they said. "What's ironic is when we moved to Thursday nights, and for the last year all the message boards have been 'Please move the show off of Thursday nights,' and now that they did. So it's one of those things from the fans point of view being careful what you wish for," said Pinkner. But "Fox and Warner Brothers are very happy with this move. We can only follow their lead." "The landscape is changing so much on network television, who knows what Friday nights are going to be?" said Wyman. "We're going in there with 100 percent confidence." The other thing they have 100 percent confidence about are the next two episodes of Fringe, which air tonight and next Thursday at 9 p.m. ET/PT before the holiday hiatus. The producers promise that it's a great time to check out the series if you're new to Fringe, and an even better time for fans to see the exciting return of Olivia to her own universe. "If the only episode of Fringe you ever tune in to watch is this one, sure, it's going to take you five minutes to catch up, but you will feel what's going on," said Pinkner. "You will understand the relationships. It's a great entry point. The truth is the one right afterwards ['Marionette,'], which is the falling out of this episode and the picking-up-the-pieces episode, is equally a great place to join both, because it's a reset episode. Olivia will be home and dealing with the consequences. ... It's Rip Van Winkle dealing with the consequences of everything that she missed. Both of these episodes are actually a great place to join in." And for those waiting to see what's going to happen when Olivia finds out that Bolivia's been making time with Peter, "that's certainly the big thing, and it won't take long at all," said Pinkner. "What we find really valuable is just letting the truths come out and then playing the consequences of those truths. This is certainly, plot aside from a character point of view, the most significant thing that has happened in the front half of this year." "Last year we really focused on the secrets, and this year it's definitely the results," added Wyman. "We wanted to get into the real dramatic equation between Peter and Olivia with that at the center as quickly as possible."
_________________ 3 работи за успех во животот: 1. Биди позитивен. 2. Никогаш не кажувај се што знаеш.
03 Dec 2010, 10:39 |
Brian The Dog
Зен Мастер Форумџија
Joined: 02 Feb 2009, 01:58 Posts: 8775 Location: The Realm of Kapištec
Ноќеска епизодата беше ептен ептен добра!
_________________ We are things that labor under the illusion of having a self, this accretion of sensory experience and feeling, programmed with total assurance that we are each somebody when, in fact, everybody's nobody.
03 Dec 2010, 17:19 |
Зен Мастер Форумџија
Joined: 23 Jan 2009, 09:57 Posts: 16762
Fringe's 1st Friday night episode an inside joke for Firefly fansWhen it was announced Fringe would be moving to Friday nights, fans feared the worst, while the producers of the show tried to spin the news in their favor, calling it a GOOD thing. But as the title the creators gave the series' first Friday night episode shows, they're well aware of why that night of the week has become known as the place TV goes to die. The title—which was revealed at the same time it was announced that the show would start airing Friday nights on Jan. 21, one week earlier than we were told previously—will be ... (Get ready for it.) ... "Firefly." (Get it?) Firefly is but one of many series supposedly deep-sixed by the cursed Friday night "death slot," and the fact the writers gave a nod to one of the previous scheduling victims shows they recognize the challenge they're in for. There doesn't seem to be any other Firefly homage in the episode—which has Christopher Lloyd guest-starring as one of Walter Bishop's musical heroes—but you know we'll be watching to make sure!
_________________ 3 работи за успех во животот: 1. Биди позитивен. 2. Никогаш не кажувај се што знаеш.
09 Dec 2010, 13:22 |
Магус Регуларус
Joined: 20 May 2009, 00:57 Posts: 1405 Location: Paraguay
Mnogu losho, muabetot astrid piter... telefonite.... mnogu losh vajb imam
_________________ [url=https://www.viagrasansordonnancefr.com/achat-viagra-generique-geneve/]achat viagra generique geneve www.viagrasansordonnancefr.com[/url]
10 Dec 2010, 23:25 |
Зен Мастер Форумџија
Joined: 23 Jan 2009, 09:57 Posts: 16762
с03е09 - Убава но тажна епизода. Сепак, повторно е мојот омилен лик во игра... сега мачно чекање до крај на јануари...
_________________ 3 работи за успех во животот: 1. Биди позитивен. 2. Никогаш не кажувај се што знаеш.
11 Dec 2010, 22:34 |
Зен Мастер Форумџија
Joined: 23 Jan 2009, 14:37 Posts: 9468 Location: Градо на крушите.
Ииихихи, колку беше creepy епизодава... Пинокио meets Франкенштајн сцената беше морбидна до даска Крале, не очајувај, ене го кај е 21ви...
_________________ Don't Damn Me When I Speak A Piece Of My Mind, Cause Silence Isn't Golden When I'm Holding It Inside...
12 Dec 2010, 17:45 |
Mina Cvetkovic
Суперхерој Под Стечај
Joined: 12 Dec 2009, 21:09 Posts: 496
Poslednata epizoda beshe teshka glupost, samo da se popolni vreme, cela prikazna beshe smislena, za da ne dovede do krajniot razgovor pomegju Vera i Pece i da toj posleden razgovor kade shto Verche e razocharana kako Pece ne prepoznal vo ochite na drugata Verche deka ne e pravata mi beshe totalka , razocharuvanje do maximum. Lichno razocharuvanje poshto smetam deka od silna i mnogu pametna zena, ja napravija ligava do daska. Mnogu se razocharav i iznervirav, NO nema da prestanam da ja gledam, sepak mi e favorit, a iskreno mi nedostigaa gologlavite nabljuduvachi, pa koga na kraj se pojavi tipcheto so sheshircheto se izraduvav. Inaku ona so telefonot beshe ludnica bez veze ama epten , NO sponzorite mora da se ispochituvaaat, inaku nema serija voopshto. (iskreno se nadevam deka nema da ja prekinat vo brzo vreme ili ako ja prekinuvaat neka ja razreshat ubavo so ubav zavrshetok.
_________________ MAMA NA MINA
13 Dec 2010, 08:59 |
Зен Мастер Форумџија
Joined: 23 Jan 2009, 09:57 Posts: 16762
Уф, колку си строга со наша Оливија! Мене искрено повеќе ми се допаѓаше Боливија, бидејки беше весела особа, и наш Перо (Питер де ) полено можеше да и пријде на новава, посвежава девојка, него на онаа „коцка мраз“. А што се однесува до Оливија, очекувано е да биде „раскашавена“ (ова мора да иде во спојлер, Мешков сега ја гледа од почеток серијава...)А што се однесува до епизодите, па скоро во секоја сезона имаше успони и падови. Не заборавајте дека се работи за Американчиња кои не сакаат баш секогаш да уклучуваат „мождани вијуги“ (мада серијава и нема нешто за што треба ДЛАБОКО да размислуваш, ама сепак, и тоа е напор за нив...). Ај да не се навраќам пак на муабетот за FlashForward....
_________________ 3 работи за успех во животот: 1. Биди позитивен. 2. Никогаш не кажувај се што знаеш.
13 Dec 2010, 09:17 |
Mina Cvetkovic
Суперхерој Под Стечај
Joined: 12 Dec 2009, 21:09 Posts: 496
Pa shto da pravam, stroga sum, ne sum amerikanche, ne me zadovoluvaat niski standardi, ama dobro da ako bevme vo amerika, verojatno sega kje zborevme kako Oliva dobro mu plesna vo lice, kako on toa go zasluzi, kako on ako vistinaksi ja sakashe kje ja poznaeshe, ili sprotivno, kako bash ni e zal shto se razdelija, ili da se nadevame deka kje se smirat pobrzo, a sushtinata na serijta e daleku od lav stori. I Krale jas znam deka povekjeto mazi koj shto ja gledaat serijava ja sakaat Oliva, ama jas sum zensko i jas ne ja sakam, jaa go sakav nejziniot karakter do predposlednata epizoda, od sega nataka mi e teshka glupacha plavusha i zatoane mi ja pravdaj bila raskalashena, abe ajde ti se molam. A za usponi i padovi, vekj poznata finta. Flash Forward mi beshe favorit serija i mi nedostiga krajot, zashto taka pravat da im ebam toa glupite amerikanci. Pa barem da napravea edna epizoda od sat ipol i da ja zaokruzea sezonata a ne vaka bez veze.
_________________ MAMA NA MINA
14 Dec 2010, 11:32 |
Зен Мастер Форумџија
Joined: 23 Jan 2009, 09:57 Posts: 16762
Ова е превземено од:
_________________ 3 работи за успех во животот: 1. Биди позитивен. 2. Никогаш не кажувај се што знаеш.
16 Dec 2010, 14:07 |
Brian The Dog
Зен Мастер Форумџија
Joined: 02 Feb 2009, 01:58 Posts: 8775 Location: The Realm of Kapištec
Црвена варијанта ми е многу подобра
_________________ We are things that labor under the illusion of having a self, this accretion of sensory experience and feeling, programmed with total assurance that we are each somebody when, in fact, everybody's nobody.
16 Dec 2010, 14:33 |
Зен Мастер Форумџија
Joined: 23 Jan 2009, 09:57 Posts: 16762
J.J. Abrams' reaction to Fox moving Fringe to Fridays: 'Sh*t!'At the Television Critics Association winter press tour, Fox execs asked reporters not to write off Fringe just yet. Moving the show to the Friday night "death slot" makes us afraid that the show will die the death of Firefly or Dollhouse. And no one's more scared than series creator J.J. Abrams. "My first reaction was 'Shhhh*t!' followed almost immediately by 'Thank you, Fox,'" Abrams said to a group of reporters on Jan. 11 in Pasadena, Calif. "Because the truth is, we're talking about the third season of Fringe, a show other networks might not have given that kind of chance and support. What I'm hopeful for is that the viewers of Fringe, to whom I'm incredibly grateful, will continue to tune in, despite the move to a night that is typically known as 'death slot.'" If there's anything good about moving Fringe to Fridays, it may be that the show can do whatever it wants there. Abrams says the show runners have gotten more freedom to tell the story now that they're facing the more difficult timeslot. "Maybe it's because we moved to Fridays that the network's been more lenient in allowing us to do some stuff we might not have been able to do on Thursday nights," Abrams said. "The show is firing on all cylinders. I just hope that viewers will come to a show that, while I'm biased, in my heart I believe deserves an audience. Obviously I would be a complete liar if I said I was really excited about moving to Friday. What I'll say is we are here talking at a TCA [press tour] about the second half of the third season of Fringe, which is definitely a show, despite top 10 lists and accolades and awards, which is wonderful, it is a show that has a very niche audience. I'm insanely grateful to the network for supporting it, for allowing it to live." Viewers do need to support Fringe, though, because the Friday night ratings will determine whether Fox picks up a fourth season. You'll want to see the fourth season too, because Abrams doubts they could throw together a satisfying series conclusion, even if they're told the third-season finale will be the last. "I'd be hard pressed to know how to actually resolve the series," Abrams said. "My fingers are crossed that we not have to end the show this season." Coming up this year, some cool Fringe episodes will reward devoted viewers who have been with it since the beginning. "There are some stories that call back episodes from the first season in ways that just will blow your mind. You don't need to have watched every episode to understand what's going on, but if you watched the show in the beginning, it's really kind of a wonderful thing." More season-three stories include: "We'll be returning to 1985. The story of the war that's brewing, the machine that may or may not allow it to happen, how to activate that machine, Walternate ... there are stories that, not only are they exciting, brilliant, suspenseful and fun, but it's just one of those things where you know a show is creatively working when the writers are not only telling stories but using their own invention to bolster and further ideas and character." Fringe returns Jan. 21 on Fox.
_________________ 3 работи за успех во животот: 1. Биди позитивен. 2. Никогаш не кажувај се што знаеш.
13 Jan 2011, 15:43 |
Зен Мастер Форумџија
Joined: 23 Jan 2009, 14:37 Posts: 9468 Location: Градо на крушите.
_________________ Don't Damn Me When I Speak A Piece Of My Mind, Cause Silence Isn't Golden When I'm Holding It Inside...
15 Jan 2011, 22:58 |
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