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WALKING DEAD! (серија) 
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Зен Мастер Форумџија
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Хахахаха, многу многу добро!

We are things that labor under the illusion of having a self, this accretion of sensory experience and feeling, programmed with total assurance that we are each somebody when, in fact, everybody's nobody.

02 Dec 2010, 14:17
Зен Мастер Форумџија
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The Walking Dead = Zombie Version of Lost

http://www.comicbookmovie.com/the_walki ... s/?a=25711

Ова погоре напишаното е мое мислење и јас стојам позади него!

02 Dec 2010, 15:10
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02 Dec 2010, 19:45
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Сеирџикус Максимус
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..abe dobra e serijata....ama nukako da pochnam da ja pratam.... :)

02 Dec 2010, 22:52
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3 работи за успех во животот:
1. Биди позитивен.
2. Никогаш не кажувај се што знаеш.

02 Dec 2010, 22:57
Зен Мастер Форумџија
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Навистина, ова со 1 година пауза не знам што им требаше. Ем само 6 епизоди, ем толкава пауза. "Среќа во несреќа" е што првава сезона не ми оставa некој голем впечаток, па големата пауза лесно ќе се издржи.

Ash nazg durbatuluk, ash nazg gimbatul, ash nazg thrakatuluk agh burzum-ishi krimpatul :twisted:
One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them, One Ring to bring them all and in the Darkness bind them :D

02 Dec 2010, 23:10
Зен Мастер Форумџија
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Многу време пауза.

"To be brave in battle proves nothing. Bravery itself proves nothing. A Jedi should be prepared to put aside fear, regret and uncertainty and either fight, run, surrender or die."

03 Dec 2010, 09:02
Зен Мастер Форумџија
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3 работи за успех во животот:
1. Биди позитивен.
2. Никогаш не кажувај се што знаеш.

03 Dec 2010, 10:32
Зен Мастер Форумџија
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Ash nazg durbatuluk, ash nazg gimbatul, ash nazg thrakatuluk agh burzum-ishi krimpatul :twisted:
One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them, One Ring to bring them all and in the Darkness bind them :D

06 Dec 2010, 20:47
Зен Мастер Форумџија
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3 работи за успех во животот:
1. Биди позитивен.
2. Никогаш не кажувај се што знаеш.

06 Dec 2010, 21:07
Зен Мастер Форумџија
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Е ај сега??? -

3 работи за успех во животот:
1. Биди позитивен.
2. Никогаш не кажувај се што знаеш.

07 Dec 2010, 10:16
Зен Мастер Форумџија
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Ash nazg durbatuluk, ash nazg gimbatul, ash nazg thrakatuluk agh burzum-ishi krimpatul :twisted:
One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them, One Ring to bring them all and in the Darkness bind them :D

07 Dec 2010, 10:28
Зен Мастер Форумџија
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3 работи за успех во животот:
1. Биди позитивен.
2. Никогаш не кажувај се што знаеш.

07 Dec 2010, 10:30
Зен Мастер Форумџија
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Сценаристите на The Walking Dead...


(мала шала)

Ash nazg durbatuluk, ash nazg gimbatul, ash nazg thrakatuluk agh burzum-ishi krimpatul :twisted:
One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them, One Ring to bring them all and in the Darkness bind them :D

07 Dec 2010, 10:34
Зен Мастер Форумџија
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Despite only a six-hour season, the body count for recurring characters on The Walking Dead was remarkably high, with two more biting the dust in the season finale. [Caution—spoilers for The Walking Dead season-one finale ahead!]

A few weeks before the series finale, those last three actors clued us in to their characters' lack of deadness at the end of the season when they shared their hopes for what they might face in the second season of the show.

Unlike Andrea and Glenn, who are major players in Robert Kirkman's comic-book series, Reedus' redneck Daryl was created by executive producer Frank Darabont for the TV show, which means the actor hasn't been able to cheat and get clues to his character's future arc. Regardless, and maybe surprisingly so, Reedus says he is looking for some redemption for Daryl next season, moving away from the violence and bigotry of his MIA brother, Merle (Michael Rooker).

"I would like to see some resolution for Daryl," says the actor. "He's such a lost person. I'd like to see him join a group and start something other than just fight-or-flight stuff. He could use some hope."

Steven Yeun says Glenn will come into his own as a man in season two, with more of his heroic potential coming out, as well as his skills with the ladies (a plot line explored in the comics).

"I have read all that," he laughs about Glenn's sexual awakening, "but what's great is that the comic books serve a different medium but we are going to stay true and then take some deviations. I think Glenn is the go-to guy who is willing to do anything. Right now he doesn't have much to live for, but he's finding family in this new group of people. In the same vein, my character has a lot of growth. He's this youthful kid that wants to assert himself and establish his presence, but it's hard when there are a lot of egos going around and there's also zombies around. He's slowly getting there, and I'm really excited to see how he grows up as a man."

Holden explains, "Before the apocalypse she was a lawyer. She has a really strong moral compass and is impassioned to help others. So I'm looking forward to embracing the Andrea that was written in the comic, because season one is ... I can't say pretty Andrea, but it's before she emerges as the badass she becomes. I look forward to embracing my rifle."

3 работи за успех во животот:
1. Биди позитивен.
2. Никогаш не кажувај се што знаеш.

07 Dec 2010, 10:51
Зен Мастер Форумџија
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Rumor of the Day: Charlie Sheen to go zombie in The Walking Dead

There are plenty of rumors swirling around actor and professional bad boy Charlie Sheen. But the current one has nothing to do with his colorful personal life. Nope, word has it that Sheen will be appearing in an upcoming episode of The Walking Dead ... as a zombie.

The Walking Dead's first season, which contained a mere six episodes, was a success with critics and ratings, with 6 million viewers tuned in to the finale. But some of those viewers have more pull with casting directors than others.

According to Socyberty, producer Frank Darabont was excited by the idea that Sheen, a fan of the show, had proposed through his agent. And that:

Upon hearing the news, Sheen was reportedly ecstatic, and has already cleared the shooting schedule with his Two and a Half Men duties. Sheen's involvement may very well lead to others in the acting community making brief cameos as zombies, an idea Walking Dead creator Andrew Lincoln reportedly welcomes. No word yet on what specific episode Sheen will be appearing in.
This rumor comes within a week of the announcement that Darabont has fired The Walking Dead's staff writers. So what's Sheen going to do, besides shuffle around without dialogue?

All we can say is that it's a good thing this show is about zombies.


3 работи за успех во животот:
1. Биди позитивен.
2. Никогаш не кажувај се што знаеш.

09 Dec 2010, 13:33
Зен Мастер Форумџија
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Прекрасен постер.


3 работи за успех во животот:
1. Биди позитивен.
2. Никогаш не кажувај се што знаеш.

09 Dec 2010, 15:19
Зен Мастер Форумџија
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like skroz.

ејм фор д бушес!

09 Dec 2010, 15:35
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Зен Мастер Форумџија
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vcera ja izgledav 6-ta epizoda. lame :)
i jas bi gi izbrkal scenaristite da bev producent :lol:

Komic Brew - Your freshly brewed comics

Lynx Animation Studios

11 Dec 2010, 12:51
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ејм фор д бушес!

14 Dec 2010, 13:49
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Пензиониран Мрчатор
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"Тој шо бара - ќе си го најди."

14 Dec 2010, 13:59
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Магус Регуларус
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Серијава е катастрофална.

- Си изгубив 6 часа од мојот живот за џабе. Потрошете ги на нешто многу попаметно.
- Никаков развој на ликовите. Коа ќе убијат некој, баш ти е гајле.
- Нема моменти кои го држат гледачот во неизвесност (тнр. cliffhangers).
- И тие повремени cliffhangers шо ги има, тотално глупо завршуваат, поарно да ги немало.
- Специјалните ефекти се супер, ама шо вреди.
- Целата серија е ненормално развлечена и досадна
- Си сурфав на интернет на моменти од толку шо ми беше досадно, чекајќи нешто да се случи.
- Сценариото е очајно, очајно, очајно, очајно... Како да немале идеја шо сакаат да направат со целата приказна.

Вкупна оценка: 1,5 од 5. И тоа благодарение на добро направените зомби, инаку чист 1 ќе и' дадев.
Гледајте на Smallville, серијата е супер (без иронија).

26 Dec 2010, 14:44
Зен Мастер Форумџија
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Еве ви, зомбиевци едни... :mrgreen:

3 работи за успех во животот:
1. Биди позитивен.
2. Никогаш не кажувај се што знаеш.

05 Jan 2011, 12:59
Зен Мастер Форумџија
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42 убиства на зомбија
од кои над 35 беа Хедшат со пиштол...
море, „Благојче“ ептен прецизен фраер

Ова погоре напишаното е мое мислење и јас стојам позади него!

05 Jan 2011, 13:54
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Зен Мастер Форумџија
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3 работи за успех во животот:
1. Биди позитивен.
2. Никогаш не кажувај се што знаеш.

26 Jan 2011, 09:13
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