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Суперхерој Под Стечај

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I was born in 1950 in town of Lebedin, Ukraine. I graduated from Kharkov State University, department "Cosmic radiophysics" in 1973 and Kiev Institute of Journalism Skill, department "Press artist" in 1984.
I am a free-lance cartoonist and writer. I have won more than 200 prizes on the International Cartoon Competitions in 40 countries, for example:
- Hidezo Kondo Prize on the "Yomiuri Int`l Cartoon Contest" in Tokyo, Japan (1990);
- Grand Prix on the World Cartoon Gallery in Skopje, Macedonia (1996, 1998);
- Grand Prix on the 4-th Int`l Competition in Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain (1996);
- First Prize on the Int`l Cartoon Competition in Cuneo, Italy (1998, 2000);
- Grand Prix on the Second Int`l Caricature Forum in Dubai, UAE (2002);
- Grand Prix on the 12th Int`l Cartoon Contest in Daejeon, South Korea (2003);
- Grand Prix on the Int`l Cartoon Contest in Seoul, South Korea (2003), etc.
The Personal Cartoon Exhibitions:
Kiev, Ukraine (1985, 1987); Beolgrad, Yugoslavia (1989);Constanca, Romania (1991); Budapest, Hungary (1992); Bruxelles, Belgium (1992);Kruishoutem, Belgium (1995); Prokupje, Jugoslavia (1997); Antverp, Belgium (1996); Leuven, Belgium (1994, 1996, 2000); Tielt-Winge, Belgium (1998); Oakland, California (1999); Osaka, Japan (2000); Urziceni, Romania (2001);Tehran, Iran (2002); Dijon, France (2003).
I have given the lectures on the theory of cartoon art and workshops on the International
Conferences on Humor:
Laie, Hawaii, USA (1989); Paris, France (1992); Luxembourg (1993); Oakland, California (1999); Osaka, Japan (2000); Ankara, Turkey (1998); Tehran, Iran (2001); Bologna, Italy (2002); Dijon, France (2003); Universities in South Korea (2003).
Personal cartoon books "Heads", “Homo Gibber” and "Revelation of Elderly Cupid" had published in Belgium and Ukraine. The book about the theory of cartoon art “Art of Modern Cartoon” had published in Ukraine in English ( 2003).

Address: Sevastopolskaya str.19, apt.72,
02099, Kiev, Ukraine
Phone: 380 044 5670401
E-mail: kazan@adamant.net

Comic made in 2001.

Last edited by Tomce on 21 Apr 2009, 18:55, edited 1 time in total.

14 Mar 2009, 15:40
Пензиониран Мрчатор
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Интересно...крадецот што беше украден :mrgreen:

A man who uses his hands is a laborer. One who uses his hands and mind is a craftsman. He who uses his hands, his mind, and his heart is an artist.
St. Francis

14 Mar 2009, 16:03
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Суперхерој Под Стечај

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ne kradi za da ne bidesh ukraden :)

15 Mar 2009, 20:52
Суперхерој Под Стечај

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Junior Lopes -Brasil http://www.juniorlopesillustrator.blogspot.com


Last edited by Tomce on 27 Apr 2009, 09:27, edited 1 time in total.

21 Mar 2009, 16:03
Суперхерој Под Стечај

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Avtorka od Azerbaijan.Vo svoeto CV ma vo WORD vmetnato i slika.kako da ja prikazam ovde?

Nazanin Khami
Add: Tabriz Cartoonists Association, Azerbaijan Cartoon Museum, Former Tabriz Estate Library, Golestan Garden, Tabriz , Iran
Zip Code: 51396-13117
Tel: +98 411 2330164
+98 411 2843094
+98 935 481 6625
E-mail: Nazanin_khamei@yahoo.com

21 Mar 2009, 16:11
Суперхерој Под Стечај

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- sculpture
(National High School of Fine Arts `Academic Ilia Petrov`)
- animation director
(National Academy for Theater and Film Arts `Krustio Sarafov` )

WORK HISTORY: \1996 – 2008\
- 2D animator in the NATIONAL MOVIE CENTER - section CADENCE
- 2D animator in the animation studios:`PILION FILMS`, `HUS`, `HILL`, `ORPHEUS`.
- a concept and storyboard artist for Euro RSCG Sofia
- storyboard artist and designer in marketing agency `LOBO`
- 2D animator, storyboard artist and designer in marketing agency `ZLATEN VEK`
- comics & illustration artist for the newspapers:`168 HOURS`, `MONEY PLUS`.
- comics & illustration artist for the magazines:`RAINBOW`, `PLAYBOY`,`INTRO`, `MANAGER`,`QTEH`.
- a concept artist and 2D animator in `FISHBONE PRODUCTION`
- founder of animation & comics studio `GROZEN ent.`
(creators of the animation short movies:`THE BEACH`(stop motion),`THE GRANNY`(2D)
- 2D animator in WEBFACTORY STUDIO
- a storyboard artist for marketing agency SIA ADVERTISING
- a storyboard artist for marketing agency MVM
- a concept artist for DEMNER, MERLICHEK & BERGMAN
- pixel art graphic designer and animator in `GAMELOFT Bulgaria`


Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Image Ready
Corel Draw Graphics Suite
Corel Photo Paint
Corel Painter
Macromedia Flash
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe After Effects

husband, son and cat, comics, books, music, cinema, chocolate...

gsm: +359 899 28 54 01
e-mail: grozen@abv.bg


Last edited by Tomce on 30 Apr 2009, 11:01, edited 1 time in total.

28 Mar 2009, 15:54
Суперхерој Под Стечај

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Simon Vuckovic/Laza Sredanovic

Last edited by Tomce on 02 Apr 2009, 14:41, edited 1 time in total.

02 Apr 2009, 14:39
Зен Мастер Форумџија
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Nekoj od ovie ke dojde na festivalot?

ејм фор д бушес!

02 Apr 2009, 14:41
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Суперхерој Под Стечај

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Ne znam ,namerata mi e da se prezentiraat delata od salonot vo 2008 g

02 Apr 2009, 14:42
Суперхерој Под Стечај

Joined: 27 Jan 2009, 16:50
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p.s kako da se koristi image postapkata?
Koristam imageshack i odma pastiram na prazno pole vo forumot.Ocito treba ushte neshto

02 Apr 2009, 14:43
Зен Мастер Форумџија
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Treba na img da pritisnish dugmeto sto e gore nad toa sto go postiras,i megju img-img da go pastirash linkot

ејм фор д бушес!

02 Apr 2009, 14:45
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03 Apr 2009, 19:29
Суперхерој Под Стечај

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The comic ‘Not here but here!’


After Anneke van Steijn had been working for some thirty years as an editor and copywriter, she retired and threw herself on her hobby: drawing. Comics she made were published in small-press magazines and anthologies in and outside her home country The Netherlands.
Cartoons of her were two times honorable mentioned in an international competition and twice awarded in a contest by a national Dutch newspaper, de Volkskrant. Besides that they appeared in student diaries and the catalogue of the 11th George van Raemdonck Kartoenale.

Olympiaplein 32A-III
1076 AC Amsterdam
The Netherlands


+31 20 673 40 99

Last edited by Tomce on 30 Apr 2009, 10:38, edited 1 time in total.

07 Apr 2009, 14:17
Зен Мастер Форумџија
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imas fotka od nea, a nemas od nejzinoto delo
a obratno trebase :D

Ова погоре напишаното е мое мислење и јас стојам позади него!

07 Apr 2009, 14:20
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Зен Мастер Форумџија
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Joined: 23 Jan 2009, 14:37
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Двете фотки се таму, само нешто беа измешани таговите.
Едитирано и средено, сега се гледаат двете.

Don't Damn Me When I Speak A Piece Of My Mind,
Cause Silence Isn't Golden When I'm Holding It Inside...

07 Apr 2009, 15:00
Суперхерој Под Стечај

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Nesto beshe tezok dokumentot(deloto)
na imigeshack rabotev i na kraj imashe nekoj alarm

07 Apr 2009, 19:23
Суперхерој Под Стечај

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Datos personales

Nombre: José Luis
Apellido: Dominguez
Seudónimo: JosiDominguez.
Edad: 38 Años.
Domicilio: Albariño 1748 Capital Federal
Nacionalidad: Argentina.
Teléfono 1:4489-9203
Teléfono 2:15-5742-9856
Email: jdoming@laanonima.com.ar, dominguezjosi@yahoo.com
Dibujante humorístico y artista plástico. Realizo estudios con Carlos Garaycochea, donde se recibió a principio de la década del 90, luego prosiguió estudio con varios artistas plásticos, en la actualidad cursa un taller de dibujo y pintura en la Escuela de Bellas Artes de Buenos Aires.
Realizo varias publicaciones en distintos medio, en la actualidad dibuja para la revista campeones.
Con respecto a la pintura realizo varias muestras y obtuvo mención en la muestra de los 100 años de Boca Jrs, en la exposición de Aerolíneas Argentina 2005.
Algunas de sus pinturas se expusieron en Supermercado La Anónima y Centro Cultural Parque Avellaneda.
Con el dibujo humorístico participo de varios concursos:
 Las ciencias y las artes del año 1993. (mención)
 Concurso de humor Grafico en la república del Uruguay en el año 2003. (mención especial y publicación en catalogo)
 Universidad de Alcalá XII muestra de humor Grafico 2004
 Segundo Salón Internacional de Humor Gráfico Oscar Abín "Gaucher "Peloduro" 2004
 Festival de humor Grafico bienal de Italia 2005-2006
 Universidad de Alcalá XIII muestra de humor Grafico 2006
 Uno de sus trabajos se expuso en la galería del estadio Munich para la final del campeonato del mundo Alemania 2006.
 Tercer puesto en el concurso de humor de la universidad de Alcalá “el humor y el cigarrillo” año 2007.
 Mención especial año 2008 el deporte y el humor revista salud y deporte


Last edited by Tomce on 30 Apr 2009, 10:41, edited 1 time in total.

07 Apr 2009, 19:33
Суперхерој Под Стечај

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13 Apr 2009, 09:17
Суперхерој Под Стечај

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Koregirajte mi gi ovie postovi slobodno

14 Apr 2009, 09:21
Зен Мастер Форумџија
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Tomce, a koga ke gi pretstavis domasnite avtori?
Znam deka imase povejke dela i avtori na ovoj salon, pa ubavo bi bilo i malku domasni da pokazes!

Ова погоре напишаното е мое мислење и јас стојам позади него!

14 Apr 2009, 09:36
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Суперхерој Под Стечај

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Ova se dela stasani po mail,taka da spored moeto raspolozivo vreme gi prezentiram
ke stasa red i za domashnite!

14 Apr 2009, 09:46
Зен Мастер Форумџија
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Ова погоре напишаното е мое мислење и јас стојам позади него!

14 Apr 2009, 09:50
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Суперхерој Под Стечај

Joined: 27 Jan 2009, 16:50
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Nasiot nov prijatel Valentin od Bugarija
Valentin Georgiev

Contact Details:
1Gen.Gurko str.,
bl. Stroitel, entr.5, fl.1
7000 Rousse
Phone: +359 82 821 946
E-mail: valyo1970art@yahoo.com

Personal Data:
Date of birth: May, 18, 1970
Place of birth: Targovishte, Bulgaria
Nationality: Bulgarian

Career History/Exhibition
2008 – 1st International “OLIVE” Cartoon Exhibition , Cyprus
2008 – 14 International Ankara Cartoon Festival,Turkey
2008 – 11th Geoge Van Raemdonck Kartoenale , Boechout , Belgium
2008 - International Cartoon and Caricature Exhibition - STUTTGART AWARD 2008
2008 - 35th International Humour Exhibition of PIRACICABA - BRAZIL
2008 - 4th Humor Salon of Paraguacu Paulista, Brazil
2008 - International Cartoon Exhibition "CITY & SEA" Odessa , Ukraine
2008 - "We head toward seas" International Summer Camp Cartoon Exhibition,Istanbul,Turkey
2008 – 4th Festval of cartoon , Solin , Croatia
2008 – 18th Gura Humorulul Festival , Romania
2008 – The Festival of European Satire, BILLIGOATS ,Poland
2008 – G8 – International Cartoon Exhibition , Baku ,
2008 – III HumorGrafico , Santomera , Spain
2008 – HUMORFEST XV , Foligno , Italy
2008 - Guanghi City College International Cartoon Contest , China
2008- 7 EUROFRUITCARTOONALE , Sint- Truiden , Belgium
2008 – 1st International Cartoon Exhibiton “Sport - Humor”, Fossano, Italy
2008 - EUROPEAN CARTOON CONTEST ”WOMAN“, Cartoonale "De vrouw", Aalter-Poeke,
2008-4th International Cartoon Exhibition , Damascus , Syria
2008-International Gaza Cartoon Exhibition , Iran
2008-STAMPS International Cartoon Exhibition – Belgrade , Serbia
2008-1st Molla Nasreddin , Azerbaijan
2008-International Cartoonfestival – Zemst , Belgium
2008-2th International Cartoon Salon – Braila , Romania
2008-1st Festival of Honorable Mentions for Cartoonists – Brazil
2008-6th LM International Cartoon Contest - China
2008-A jury in IX International Festival of aphorism and caricature – Strumica, Macedonia
2008-33 National cartoon exhibition (Bulgarian cartoon), Sofia, Bulgaria
2008-SATYRICON, Legnica, Poland
2008-40th UMORISTI A MAROSTICA,Marostica,Italy
2008-First International cartoonet exhibition-Suporting street children, Iranian House of Cartoon
2008-International Graphic Humour Biennial – Dedete, Cuba

2008 – 1st International “OLIVE” Cartoon Contest ,Cyprus – Prize of Jury
2008 –International Cartoon Contest “CITY& SEA”,Odessa,Ukraine – Second Prize
2008 - "We head toward seas" International Summer Camp Cartoon Contest,Istanbul,Turkey – Appreciation Prize
2008 – 4th International Festival of cartoon , Solin , Croatia – Grand Prix
2008- 7 EUROFRUITCARTOONALE , Sint-Truiden , Belgium – Special Mention
2008 - Guanghi City College International Cartoon Contest , China - Diplom
2008 – HUMORFEST XV , Foligno , Italy – Special Mention
2008 - EUROPEAN CARTOON CONTEST ”WOMAN“, Cartoonale "De vrouw", Aalter-Poeke,
Belgium – First prize
2008 - 4th International Cartoon Contest , Damascus , Syria –Honorable Mention
2008 - STAMPS International Cartoon Exhibition , Belgrade , Serbia - Diplom
2008 - 1st Molla Nasreddin , Azerbaijan – Honorable Mention
2008 - 1st Festival of Honorable Mentions for Cartoonists – Brazil- Prize
2008 - 6th LM International Cartoon Contest - China - Prize
2008 - SATYRICON, Legnica, Poland-Grand Prize
2008 - First International cartoone contest, Supporting street children, Iran - Prize
2008 - 40th UMORISTI A MAROSTICA, Marostica, Italy – Grand International Prize Scacchiera
2007 - 1st “Nature and Man” International Cartoon Contest, Turkey-First prize
2007 - Official Brazilcartoon`s Christmas Card contest-First prize
2007 - 16th International Festival of humor and satire “Golden helmet“, Krusevac, Serbia-Special prize for cartoon


Graduated from the Bulgarian University of Veliko Tarnovo “St. St. Cyril and Methodius”, major in Paintings in 1995.

Last edited by Tomce on 19 Apr 2009, 21:20, edited 1 time in total.

16 Apr 2009, 10:54
Магус Регуларус
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Da ne pustal slucajno na konkurs za najdobro napisano CV? :D


16 Apr 2009, 11:08
Зен Мастер Форумџија
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Kolku sto gldam,pogolemiot broj od avtorive se karikaturisti?

ејм фор д бушес!

16 Apr 2009, 13:38
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