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Brian The Dog
Зен Мастер Форумџија
Joined: 02 Feb 2009, 01:58 Posts: 8775 Location: The Realm of Kapištec
_________________ We are things that labor under the illusion of having a self, this accretion of sensory experience and feeling, programmed with total assurance that we are each somebody when, in fact, everybody's nobody.
08 Jun 2011, 14:37 |
Пензиониран Мрчатор
Joined: 05 Jul 2010, 19:04 Posts: 3551 Location: Скопје
_________________ "There is a power beyond good and evil.The power to create,and the power to destroy!"-Dark Phoenix The X-Men are dead.Long live the X-Men. X-Men isn't a comic book. It's a drug.
08 Jun 2011, 20:41 |
Comic Geek
Зен Мастер Форумџија
Joined: 02 Jul 2010, 09:08 Posts: 8298 Location: Skopje
_________________ The only thin line for a man to be on, is the one between motivation and inspiration. Во сон се родив, во сон живеам, во сон ќе умрам. Thieves get rich and saints get shot and God don't answer prayers a lot.
10 Jun 2011, 21:25 |
Пензиониран Мрчатор
Joined: 05 Jul 2010, 19:04 Posts: 3551 Location: Скопје
Чизмите се геј...
_________________ "There is a power beyond good and evil.The power to create,and the power to destroy!"-Dark Phoenix The X-Men are dead.Long live the X-Men. X-Men isn't a comic book. It's a drug.
10 Jun 2011, 22:08 |
Brian The Dog
Зен Мастер Форумџија
Joined: 02 Feb 2009, 01:58 Posts: 8775 Location: The Realm of Kapištec
 Action Comics #1 - Grant Morrison - Rags Morales Мој коментар на ова: 
_________________ We are things that labor under the illusion of having a self, this accretion of sensory experience and feeling, programmed with total assurance that we are each somebody when, in fact, everybody's nobody.
10 Jun 2011, 22:12 |
Comic Geek
Зен Мастер Форумџија
Joined: 02 Jul 2010, 09:08 Posts: 8298 Location: Skopje
da bas ovoj zaboraiv da go stavam...TOP e...kolku ednostavno a kolku mokno 
_________________ The only thin line for a man to be on, is the one between motivation and inspiration. Во сон се родив, во сон живеам, во сон ќе умрам. Thieves get rich and saints get shot and God don't answer prayers a lot.
10 Jun 2011, 22:26 |
Brian The Dog
Зен Мастер Форумџија
Joined: 02 Feb 2009, 01:58 Posts: 8775 Location: The Realm of Kapištec
Ме занима како овој пат ќе ја изиграат маскарадата наречена Кларк Кент. Тешко е да се трудиш да си современ а да убедиш публика дека никој не може да го препознае заради наочарите, или пак како John Byrne што проба да го оправада - вибрирал многу брзо кога бил Супермен и никој не можел да го види убаво 
_________________ We are things that labor under the illusion of having a self, this accretion of sensory experience and feeling, programmed with total assurance that we are each somebody when, in fact, everybody's nobody.
10 Jun 2011, 22:29 |
Comic Geek
Зен Мастер Форумџија
Joined: 02 Jul 2010, 09:08 Posts: 8298 Location: Skopje
pa ustvari bas pred nekoe vreme citav i E objasneto: superman e semi cetvrto bogznae sto - telepat  i toa go pisuva na poveke stranici edit: isto mn mi se svigjase objasnuvanjeto vo Birthright, koga clark e ustvari ODLICEN glumec koj so mn vezbanje i trud pred ogledalo  go nosi toj lik na mild mannered human
_________________ The only thin line for a man to be on, is the one between motivation and inspiration. Во сон се родив, во сон живеам, во сон ќе умрам. Thieves get rich and saints get shot and God don't answer prayers a lot.
10 Jun 2011, 22:32 |
Brian The Dog
Зен Мастер Форумџија
Joined: 02 Feb 2009, 01:58 Posts: 8775 Location: The Realm of Kapištec
_________________ We are things that labor under the illusion of having a self, this accretion of sensory experience and feeling, programmed with total assurance that we are each somebody when, in fact, everybody's nobody.
10 Jun 2011, 22:40 |
Пензиониран Мрчатор
Joined: 05 Jul 2010, 19:04 Posts: 3551 Location: Скопје
_________________ "There is a power beyond good and evil.The power to create,and the power to destroy!"-Dark Phoenix The X-Men are dead.Long live the X-Men. X-Men isn't a comic book. It's a drug.
10 Jun 2011, 22:47 |
Brian The Dog
Зен Мастер Форумџија
Joined: 02 Feb 2009, 01:58 Posts: 8775 Location: The Realm of Kapištec

Цела листа:
Justice League #1, by Geoff Johns and Jim Lee Wonder Woman #1, by Brian Azzarello and Cliff Chiang Aquaman #1, by Geoff Johns and Ivan Reis The Flash #1, by Francis Manapul and Brian Buccellato The Fury Of Firestorm #1, by Ethan Van Sciver, Gail Simone and Yildiray Cinar The Savage Hawkman #1, by Tony Daniel and Philip Tan Green Arrow #1, by JT Krul and Dan Jurgens Justice League International #1, by Dan Jurgens and Aaron Lopresti Mr. Terrific #1, by Eric Wallace and Roger Robinson Captain Atom #1, by JT Krul and Freddie Williams II DC Universe Presents #1, by Paul Jenkins and Bernard Chang
Green Lantern #1, by Geoff Johns, Doug Mahnke, and Christian Alamy Green Lantern Corps #1, by Peter Tomasi, Fernando Pasarin, and Scott Hanna Green Lantern: The New Guardians #1, by Tony Bedard, Tyler Kirkham, and Batt Red Lanterns #1, by Peter Milligan, Ed Benes, and Rob Hunter
Batman #1, by Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo Detective Comics #1, by Tony Daniel Batman and Robin #1, by Peter Tomasi and Patrick Gleason Batman: The Dark Knight #1, by David Finch Batwoman #1, by JH Williams III, Haden Blackman, and Amy Reeder Batgirl #1, by Gail Simone, Ardian Syaf, and Vincente Cifuentes Catwoman #1, by Judd Winick and Guillem March Birds of Prey #1, by Duane Swierczynski and Jesus Saiz Nightwing #1, by Kyle Higgins and Eddy Barrows Red Hood and the Outlaws #1, by Scott Lobdell and Kenneth Rocafort Batwing #1, by Judd Winick and Ben Olvier
Swamp Thing #1, by Scott Snyder, Yanick Paquette and Francesco Francavilla Animal Man #1, by Jeff Lemire and Travel Foreman Justice League Dark #1, by Peter Milligan and Mikel Janin Demon Knights #1, by Paul Cornell, Diogenes Neves and Oclair Albert Frankenstein, Agent of SHADE #1, by Jeff Lemire and Alberto Ponticelli Resurrection Man #1, by Dan Abnett, Andy Lanning and Fernando Dagnino I, Vampire #1, by Josh Fialkov and Andrea Sorrentino Voodoo #1, by Ron Marz and Sami Basri
Legion Lost #1, by Fabian Nicieza and Pete Woods Legion of Superheroes #1, by Paul Levitz and Francis Portela Teen Titans #1, by Scott Lobdell, Brett Booth and Norm Rapmund Static Shock #1, by John Rozum, Scott McDaniel and Jonathan Glapion Hawk and Dove #1, by Sterling Gates and Rob Liefeld
Stormwatch #1, by Paul Cornell and Miguel Sepulveda Blackhawks #1, by Mike Costa and by Ken Lashley Sgt. Rock and the Men of War #1, Ivan Brandon and Tom Derenick All-Star Western #1, by Justin Gray, Jimmy Palmiotti, and Moritat Deathstroke #1, by Kyle Higgins, Joe Bennett and Art Thibert Grifter #1, by Nathan Edmondson, Cafu and Bit OMAC #1, by Dan DiDio, Keith Giffen and Scott Koblish Blue Beetle #1, by Tony Bedard and Ig Guara Suicide Squad #1, by Adam Green and Marco Rudy
Action Comics #1, by Grant Morrison and Rags Morales Superman #1, by George Perez and Jesus Merino Supergirl #1, by Michael Green, Mike Johnson, and Mahmud Asrar Superboy #1, by Scott Lobdell, RB Silva, and Rob Lean
My Greatest Adventure #1, by Aaron Lopresti and Kevin Maguire
_________________ We are things that labor under the illusion of having a self, this accretion of sensory experience and feeling, programmed with total assurance that we are each somebody when, in fact, everybody's nobody.
11 Jun 2011, 12:01 |
Манга Падаван
Joined: 05 Jun 2009, 22:39 Posts: 1815
Action Comics #1 од Morisson...само првиот број е или...? И кога продолжува Inc., после овие оди така?
_________________ Thor: "Give your orders and ultimatums to those who choose to obey, or are too cowardly to fight, not to me. Or learn again the difference between a God of Thunder and a mortal man in a metal suit"
11 Jun 2011, 12:07 |
Brian The Dog
Зен Мастер Форумџија
Joined: 02 Feb 2009, 01:58 Posts: 8775 Location: The Realm of Kapištec
_________________ We are things that labor under the illusion of having a self, this accretion of sensory experience and feeling, programmed with total assurance that we are each somebody when, in fact, everybody's nobody.
11 Jun 2011, 12:24 |
Манга Падаван
Joined: 05 Jun 2009, 22:39 Posts: 1815
Супер! Ај да видиме само како ќе иде, али ако судиме по кавер...одлично! 
_________________ Thor: "Give your orders and ultimatums to those who choose to obey, or are too cowardly to fight, not to me. Or learn again the difference between a God of Thunder and a mortal man in a metal suit"
11 Jun 2011, 12:32 |
Пензиониран Мрчатор
Joined: 05 Jul 2010, 19:04 Posts: 3551 Location: Скопје
Уф колку многу наслови... 
_________________ "There is a power beyond good and evil.The power to create,and the power to destroy!"-Dark Phoenix The X-Men are dead.Long live the X-Men. X-Men isn't a comic book. It's a drug.
11 Jun 2011, 12:35 |
Brian The Dog
Зен Мастер Форумџија
Joined: 02 Feb 2009, 01:58 Posts: 8775 Location: The Realm of Kapištec
_________________ We are things that labor under the illusion of having a self, this accretion of sensory experience and feeling, programmed with total assurance that we are each somebody when, in fact, everybody's nobody.
12 Jun 2011, 10:37 |
Пензиониран Мрчатор
Joined: 05 Jul 2010, 19:04 Posts: 3551 Location: Скопје
 Green Lantern Corps #1
_________________ "There is a power beyond good and evil.The power to create,and the power to destroy!"-Dark Phoenix The X-Men are dead.Long live the X-Men. X-Men isn't a comic book. It's a drug.
13 Jun 2011, 10:27 |
Comic Geek
Зен Мастер Форумџија
Joined: 02 Jul 2010, 09:08 Posts: 8298 Location: Skopje
KILLING JOKE & IDENTITY CRISIS still happened in the DCnU http://www.newsarama.com/comics/dcnu-bo ... 10615.html
_________________ The only thin line for a man to be on, is the one between motivation and inspiration. Во сон се родив, во сон живеам, во сон ќе умрам. Thieves get rich and saints get shot and God don't answer prayers a lot.
15 Jun 2011, 14:40 |
Зен Мастер Форумџија
Joined: 23 Jan 2009, 02:23 Posts: 21535 Location: Битола!
_________________ ејм фор д бушес!
24 Jun 2011, 23:30 |
The Bat-Man
Ултимејт Резервист
Joined: 29 May 2009, 14:29 Posts: 542
26 Jun 2011, 18:33 |
Пензиониран Мрчатор
Joined: 05 Jul 2010, 19:04 Posts: 3551 Location: Скопје
 There you go 
_________________ "There is a power beyond good and evil.The power to create,and the power to destroy!"-Dark Phoenix The X-Men are dead.Long live the X-Men. X-Men isn't a comic book. It's a drug.
28 Jun 2011, 15:35 |
Зен Мастер Форумџија
Joined: 23 Jan 2009, 08:13 Posts: 15550 Location: Skopje, Macedonia
mene mi e se OK ama site me isto nacrtani vo predelot pod pojasot (da ne bidam vulgaren, ama site ko da imaat isti k*r)
a site se so mal redizajn (negov), ili od povejke razlicni crtaci
_________________ Ова погоре напишаното е мое мислење и јас стојам позади него!
28 Jun 2011, 16:02 |
Brian The Dog
Зен Мастер Форумџија
Joined: 02 Feb 2009, 01:58 Posts: 8775 Location: The Realm of Kapištec
Редизајнот е под водство на Џим Ли. Веројатно најголемо влијание има. А структурата на универзумот, во поглед на канон и приказни ги координира Џеф Џонс. Иначе имаат +1 што конечно ги нема црвените гаќи на Супермен 
_________________ We are things that labor under the illusion of having a self, this accretion of sensory experience and feeling, programmed with total assurance that we are each somebody when, in fact, everybody's nobody.
28 Jun 2011, 16:23 |
Манга Падаван
Joined: 05 Jun 2009, 22:39 Posts: 1815
Иначе се бунат пуно фанови за изгледот на Супермен, а мене ми е баш кул. Едино ме нервира што не се малку така помрачни, посериозни ликовите, Џим Ли некако тинејџ\анимејшн ги извел...
_________________ Thor: "Give your orders and ultimatums to those who choose to obey, or are too cowardly to fight, not to me. Or learn again the difference between a God of Thunder and a mortal man in a metal suit"
28 Jun 2011, 18:06 |
Ултимејт Резервист
Joined: 24 Jul 2010, 02:17 Posts: 672
Shto znam jas ovde ne gledam nikakov redizajn osven sto im gi izvadile gakicite i spored mene glipiot poteg - Wonder Woman u pantaloni (zena bez golo nodze za mene e minus...abe haljinica ili nikako). Ovoj "bling bling" na kostimite samo go namaluva kredibilitetot na karakterite...ali toa e samo moe skromno mislenje.
28 Jun 2011, 19:10 |
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