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МАКЕДОНСКИ СТРИП ФОРУМ - View topic - А сад... ТВ Новости!
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А сад... ТВ Новости! 
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Зен Мастер Форумџија
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abe postovite ne e tolku strasno, daj temite izgrupiraj gi nekako (ko kje si najdes oci, no rush) :D
enivej super potez...

Komic Brew - Your freshly brewed comics

Lynx Animation Studios

10 Sep 2011, 13:01
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Зен Мастер Форумџија
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Мислиш да има Серии и Филм посебно, или на поинакво групирање мислиш?

Don't Damn Me When I Speak A Piece Of My Mind,
Cause Silence Isn't Golden When I'm Holding It Inside...

11 Sep 2011, 12:26
Зен Мастер Форумџија
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Komic Brew - Your freshly brewed comics

Lynx Animation Studios

11 Sep 2011, 18:46
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Зен Мастер Форумџија
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^ Знам, се слагам, само тоа го оставам на крај т.е. паралелно со тоа би идело средување на самите топици (додавање инфо каде фали исл), но првин сакам да се раздвојат ТВ постовите во Последен изгледан филм и да се стават во соодветните топици, да биде се’ кај што треба. Тоа би требало викендов... нормално, зависно од време/мрза.

Don't Damn Me When I Speak A Piece Of My Mind,
Cause Silence Isn't Golden When I'm Holding It Inside...

12 Sep 2011, 12:07
Зен Мастер Форумџија
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Ова погоре напишаното е мое мислење и јас стојам позади него!

13 Sep 2011, 12:08
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The only thin line for a man to be on, is the one between motivation and inspiration.
Во сон се родив, во сон живеам, во сон ќе умрам.
Thieves get rich and saints get shot and God don't answer prayers a lot.

13 Sep 2011, 12:33
Зен Мастер Форумџија
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Louis C.K e Бог! Еден од ретките луѓе заради кој сум се смеел до солзи.

We are things that labor under the illusion of having a self, this accretion of sensory experience and feeling, programmed with total assurance that we are each somebody when, in fact, everybody's nobody.

13 Sep 2011, 12:52
Зен Мастер Форумџија
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3 работи за успех во животот:
1. Биди позитивен.
2. Никогаш не кажувај се што знаеш.

13 Sep 2011, 12:57
Зен Мастер Форумџија
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не го заборавајте ни Робин Вилијамс

а на Пабло на пример, само првата сезона му беше ептен луда...
после и тој почна со соџвакувања

Ова погоре напишаното е мое мислење и јас стојам позади него!

13 Sep 2011, 12:58
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Зен Мастер Форумџија
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Има многу врвни комичари. Тоа никој не оспорува. Луис ЦК во моментов владее!

We are things that labor under the illusion of having a self, this accretion of sensory experience and feeling, programmed with total assurance that we are each somebody when, in fact, everybody's nobody.

13 Sep 2011, 13:01
Зен Мастер Форумџија
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The only thin line for a man to be on, is the one between motivation and inspiration.
Во сон се родив, во сон живеам, во сон ќе умрам.
Thieves get rich and saints get shot and God don't answer prayers a lot.

13 Sep 2011, 13:02
Манга Падаван
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Абе Richard Pryor бе :D Иначе овој Луис никако да му седнам, ќе треба да изгледам нешто...

Thor: "Give your orders and ultimatums to those who choose to obey, or are too cowardly to fight, not to me. Or learn again the difference between a God of Thunder and a mortal man in a metal suit"

13 Sep 2011, 13:03
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Зен Мастер Форумџија
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3 работи за успех во животот:
1. Биди позитивен.
2. Никогаш не кажувај се што знаеш.

13 Sep 2011, 13:07
Зен Мастер Форумџија
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Don't Damn Me When I Speak A Piece Of My Mind,
Cause Silence Isn't Golden When I'm Holding It Inside...

13 Sep 2011, 13:45
Зен Мастер Форумџија
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The only thin line for a man to be on, is the one between motivation and inspiration.
Во сон се родив, во сон живеам, во сон ќе умрам.
Thieves get rich and saints get shot and God don't answer prayers a lot.

13 Sep 2011, 16:52
Зен Мастер Форумџија
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Излезени се номинациите за EMMY, победниците се прогласуваат на 18ти (недела)...



Outstanding Comedy Series

"The Big Bang Theory" (2007)
"Glee" (2009)
"Modern Family" (2009)
"The Office" (2005)
"Parks and Recreation" (2009)
"30 Rock" (2006)

Outstanding Drama Series

"Boardwalk Empire" (2010)
"Dexter" (2006)
"Friday Night Lights" (2006)
"Game of Thrones" (2011)
"The Good Wife" (2009)
"Mad Men" (2007)

Outstanding Miniseries or Made for Television Movie

Cinema Verite (2011) (TV)
"Downton Abbey" (2010)
"The Kennedys" (2011)
"Mildred Pierce" (2011)
"The Pillars of the Earth" (2010)
Too Big to Fail (2011) (TV)

Оutstanding Lead Actor in a Comedy Series

Alec Baldwin for "30 Rock" (2006)
Steve Carell for "The Office" (2005)
Louis C.K. for "Louie" (2010)
Johnny Galecki for "The Big Bang Theory" (2007)
Matt LeBlanc for "Episodes" (2011)
Jim Parsons for "The Big Bang Theory" (2007)

Outstanding Lead Actor in a Drama Series

Steve Buscemi for "Boardwalk Empire" (2010)
Kyle Chandler for "Friday Night Lights" (2006)
Michael C. Hall for "Dexter" (2006)
Jon Hamm for "Mad Men" (2007)
Hugh Laurie for "House M.D." (2004)
Timothy Olyphant for "Justified" (2010)

Outstanding Lead Actor in a Miniseries or Movie

Idris Elba for "Luther" (2010)
Laurence Fishburne for Thurgood (2011) (TV)
William Hurt for Too Big to Fail (2011) (TV)
Greg Kinnear for "The Kennedys" (2011)
Barry Pepper for "The Kennedys" (2011)
Еdgar Ramírez for "Carlos" (2010)

Оutstanding Lead Actress in a Comedy Series

Edie Falco for "Nurse Jackie" (2009)
Tina Fey for "30 Rock" (2006)
Laura Linney for "The Big C" (2010)
Melissa McCarthy for "Mike & Molly" (2010)
Martha Plimpton for "Raising Hope" (2010)
Amy Poehler for "Parks and Recreation" (2009)

Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama Series

Kathy Bates for "Harry's Law" (2011)
Connie Britton for "Friday Night Lights" (2006)
Mireille Enos for "The Killing" (2011)
Mariska Hargitay for "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" (1999)
Julianna Margulies for "The Good Wife" (2009)
Elisabeth Moss for "Mad Men" (2007)

Outstanding Lead Actress in a Miniseries or Movie

Taraji P. Henson for Taken from Me: The Tiffany Rubin Story (2011) (TV)
Diane Lane for Cinema Verite (2011) (TV)
Jean Marsh for "Upstairs Downstairs" (2010)
Elizabeth McGovern for "Downton Abbey" (2010)
Kate Winslet for "Mildred Pierce" (2011)

Оutstanding Supporting Actor in a Comedy Series

Ty Burrell for "Modern Family" (2009)
Chris Colfer for "Glee" (2009)
Jon Cryer for "Two and a Half Men" (2003)
Jesse Tyler Ferguson for "Modern Family" (2009)
Ed O'Neill for "Modern Family" (2009)
Eric Stonestreet for "Modern Family" (2009)

Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Drama Series

Andre Braugher for "Men of a Certain Age" (2009)
Josh Charles for "The Good Wife" (2009)
Alan Cumming for "The Good Wife" (2009)
Peter Dinklage for "Game of Thrones" (2011)
Walton Goggins for "Justified" (2010)
John Slattery for "Mad Men" (2007)

Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Miniseries or Movie

Paul Giamatti for Too Big to Fail (2011) (TV)
Brían F. O'Byrne for "Mildred Pierce" (2011)
Guy Pearce for "Mildred Pierce" (2011)
Tom Wilkinson for "The Kennedys" (2011)
James Woods for Too Big to Fail (2011) (TV)

Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series

Julie Bowen for "Modern Family" (2009)
Jane Krakowski for "30 Rock" (2006)
Jane Lynch for "Glee" (2009)
Sofía Vergara for "Modern Family" (2009)
Betty White for "Hot in Cleveland" (2010)
Kristen Wiig for "Saturday Night Live" (1975)

Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series

Christine Baranski for "The Good Wife" (2009)
Michelle Forbes for "The Killing" (2011)
Christina Hendricks for "Mad Men" (2007)
Kelly Macdonald for "Boardwalk Empire" (2010)
Margo Martindale for "Justified" (2010)
Archie Panjabi for "The Good Wife" (2009)

Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Miniseries or Movie

Eileen Atkins for "Upstairs Downstairs" (2010)
Melissa Leo for "Mildred Pierce" (2011)
Maggie Smith for "Downton Abbey" (2010)
Mare Winningham for "Mildred Pierce" (2011)
Evan Rachel Wood for "Mildred Pierce" (2011)

Оutstanding Variety, Music Or Comedy Series

"The Colbert Report" (2005)
"Conan" (2010)
"The Daily Show with Jon Stewart" (1996)
"Late Night with Jimmy Fallon" (2009)
"Real Time with Bill Maher" (2003)
"Saturday Night Live" (1975)

...и плус уште некоја категорија за реални шоуа и за режија (ги имате на линкот најгоре).

Don't Damn Me When I Speak A Piece Of My Mind,
Cause Silence Isn't Golden When I'm Holding It Inside...

16 Sep 2011, 09:33
Зен Мастер Форумџија
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Joined: 23 Jan 2009, 14:37
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Мало купче ТВ вести...

- USA Network renewed Covert Affairs, Necessary Roughness, and Royal Pains with a new season (трета, втора и четврта, соодветно). Новите сезони ќе имаат по 16 епизоди. Fun fact: USA Network ги обнови сите 7 серии кои ги имаат (тука се уште Burn Notice, Suits, White Collar и Psych), што е рекорд за една кабловска телевизија.

- ABC Family renewed Melissa & Joey for season 2 and ordered another 22 episodes for the new Switched at Birth series, but canceled Nine Lives of Chloe King (не дека некој ги гледа овие, ама ете, ТВ вести демек :D)

- Lifetime canceled The Protector (истото од погоре)

- It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia renewed for two seasons (осма и деветта, моментално тера седма сезона т.е. почна пред некој ден). Ова е малку постара вест, но не сме ја спомнале...

Don't Damn Me When I Speak A Piece Of My Mind,
Cause Silence Isn't Golden When I'm Holding It Inside...

16 Sep 2011, 22:02
Суперхерој Под Стечај
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Joined: 12 Dec 2009, 21:09
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Se dodelija Emi Nagradite
i za mene najbitnite dobitnici se slednite:

Modern Family - Comedy Series
Ty Burrell as Phil Dunphy in Modern Family - Supporting Actor In A Comedy Series
za Julie Bowen as Claire Dunphy in Modern Family - Supporting Actress In A Comedy Series ne navivav tolku
moj favorit beshe Sofia Vergara as Gloria Delgado-Pritchett in Modern Family ama dobroto e shto ovaa godina si dobija nagradi Modern Family.

Eve link i do drugite nagradeni http://www.emmys.com/nominations


19 Sep 2011, 09:03
Зен Мастер Форумџија
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Еве список на сите победници... Другите номинирани ги имате погоре (или на линкот).


Outstanding Comedy Series
"Modern Family" (2009)

Outstanding Drama Series
"Mad Men" (2007)

Outstanding Miniseries or Made for Television Movie
"Downton Abbey" (2010)

Outstanding Lead Actor in a Comedy Series
Jim Parsons for "The Big Bang Theory" (2007)

Outstanding Lead Actor in a Drama Series
Kyle Chandler for "Friday Night Lights" (2006)

Outstanding Lead Actor in a Miniseries or Movie
Barry Pepper for "The Kennedys" (2011)

Outstanding Lead Actress in a Comedy Series
Melissa McCarthy for "Mike & Molly" (2010)

Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama Series
Julianna Margulies for "The Good Wife" (2009)

Outstanding Lead Actress in a Miniseries or Movie
Kate Winslet for "Mildred Pierce" (2011)

Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Comedy Series
Ty Burrell for "Modern Family" (2009)

Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Drama Series
Peter Dinklage for "Game of Thrones" (2011)

Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Miniseries or Movie
Guy Pearce for "Mildred Pierce" (2011)

Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series
Julie Bowen for "Modern Family" (2009)

Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series
Margo Martindale for "Justified" (2010)

Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Miniseries or Movie
Maggie Smith for "Downton Abbey" (2010)

Outstanding Variety, Music Or Comedy Series
"The Daily Show with Jon Stewart" (1996)

Outstanding Reality Competition Program
"The Amazing Race" (2001)

Outstanding Directing for a Comedy Series
"Modern Family" (2009): Michael Spiller ("Halloween")

Outstanding Directing for a Drama Series
"Boardwalk Empire" (2010): Martin Scorsese ("Pilot")

Outstanding Directing for a Miniseries, Movie or a Dramatic Special
"Downton Abbey" (2010): Brian Percival

Outstanding Directing for a Variety, Music or Comedy Series
"Saturday Night Live" (1975): Don Roy King

Outstanding Writing for a Comedy Series
"Modern Family" (2009): Steven Levitan, Jeffrey Richman ("Caught in the Act")

Outstanding Writing for a Drama Series
"Friday Night Lights" (2006): Jason Katims ("Always (Series Finale)")

Outstanding Writing for a Miniseries, Movie or a Dramatic Special
"Downton Abbey" (2010): Julian Fellowes

Outstanding Writing for a Variety, Music or Comedy Series
"The Daily Show with Jon Stewart" (1996)


Хмм... Не очекував Downton Abbey да ја земе за минисерија, мислев Mildred Pierce ќе ги збрише сите (испадна си ги поделија пола-пола). Најголемо изненадување ми е Kyle Chandler за Friday Night Lights, ваљда дека заврши серијата (плус на финалето му дадоа за најдобро драма сценарио - мора да била некоја опасна епизода). Изненадување ми е и Melissa McCarthy за Mike & Molly, навистина не очекував да победи во конкуренција со Laura Linney, Edie Falco, Tina Fey и останатите. Останатото - заслужено, особено оние за најдобри главни/споредни глумци.

ПС. Посебно YAY иде за Peter Dinklage! :mrgreen:

Don't Damn Me When I Speak A Piece Of My Mind,
Cause Silence Isn't Golden When I'm Holding It Inside...

19 Sep 2011, 11:16
Зен Мастер Форумџија
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Outstanding Drama Series
"Mad Men" (2007)

Со конкуренција како Boardwalk, GoT и Dexter ова е ПОБЕДА! Браво!

Другите кои стварно заслужија:
Нормално Ty :)
Modern Family
Julianna Margulies!!!!!!!!!
Julie Bowen
Peter Dinklage Не го ни коментирам - ЅВЕР
The Daily Show with Jon Stewart - ова не знам зашто го номинираат веќе. Се знае дека ќе добие :lol:
Му честитам и на Barry Pepper - Како емотивно го одглуме Боби Кенеди - свака част!

Криво ми е за Breaking Bad, сакав да има повеќе номинации и награди. Ама мислам дека догодина ќе растурат. Оваа сезона им е лудило.

We are things that labor under the illusion of having a self, this accretion of sensory experience and feeling, programmed with total assurance that we are each somebody when, in fact, everybody's nobody.

19 Sep 2011, 11:32
Зен Мастер Форумџија
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Не можеше да биде номинирана Брејкинг Бед затоа што ги немаше, ги одложија ли, подоцна почнаа, како беше, па не влегоа во конкуренција т.е. веќе лани зедоа и Кренстон и Пол за третата сезона, не може двапати :D За моменталнава сезона ќе бидат номинирани догодина.

Don't Damn Me When I Speak A Piece Of My Mind,
Cause Silence Isn't Golden When I'm Holding It Inside...

19 Sep 2011, 11:42
Манга Падаван
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Thor: "Give your orders and ultimatums to those who choose to obey, or are too cowardly to fight, not to me. Or learn again the difference between a God of Thunder and a mortal man in a metal suit"

19 Sep 2011, 12:43
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Зен Мастер Форумџија
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We are things that labor under the illusion of having a self, this accretion of sensory experience and feeling, programmed with total assurance that we are each somebody when, in fact, everybody's nobody.

19 Sep 2011, 13:51
Зен Мастер Форумџија
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Честитки до Brian за Mad Men... ;)

Ash nazg durbatuluk, ash nazg gimbatul, ash nazg thrakatuluk agh burzum-ishi krimpatul :twisted:
One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them, One Ring to bring them all and in the Darkness bind them :D

19 Sep 2011, 16:14
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"There is a power beyond good and evil.The power to create,and the power to destroy!"-Dark Phoenix
The X-Men are dead.Long live the X-Men.
X-Men isn't a comic book. It's a drug.

19 Sep 2011, 16:15
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