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Суперхерој Под Стечај

Joined: 27 Jan 2009, 16:50
Posts: 312
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povelete,javete se
Solidarity Festival 2009

Take part in the competition and Draw your freedom.

European Solidarity Centre would like to invite you to take part in the comics competition Draw your Freedom. Draw your solidarity. We are waiting for the comics concerning the two motifs: Freedom and Solidarity. This two terms are supposed to be meant in a very wide context: philosophical, social, political or economical, but also in it's basic meaning. It doesn't have to be connected with big ideas or history. Our aim is to inspire you to draw a comics, that could be a medium of your free expression. So let's draw your freedom!

Two competition categories:

- comic story of 4 boards maximum content

- cartoon


- First prize for a comic: 8 000 PLN gross (approx. 1724 Euro*)

- Second prize for a comic: 5 000 PLN gross ( approx. 1077 Euro*)

- Eight awards for comic: 500 PLN gross (approx. 107 Euro*)

- First prize for satirical cartoon: 2 000 PLN gross (approx. 431 Euro*)

* according to rate 1 Euro=4,64 PLN (Tabela kursów nr 56/A/NBP/2009 z dnia 2009-03-20).

Works are to be sent until 30th June 2009 on the address of European Solidarity Centre

Project called Draw your freedom. Draw your solidarity is a part of Festival of Solidarity 2009.

The Festival takes place between 14th and 31st August and is organized by European Solidarity Center . The main idea behind the event is to present the comic art as a different way to show interpretation of freedom: from freedom of art, freedom of speech to political freedom. It is the example of history of polish pop culture where one can easily observe the “freedom” aspect of so called sequential art.

Full statute of contest and additional information:
http://www.ecs.gda.pl/comix | http://www.myspace.com/drawfreedom | comix@ecs.gda.pl


European Solidarity Center
ul. Doki 1
80-958 Gdańsk
tel. (+48 58) 767-79-71
fax: (+48 58) 767 79 78


mobile: (+48) 501 833 143


European Solidarity Center


Kulturalny Kolektyw Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego

Pracownia komiksowa przy Bibliotece Wojewódzkiej

Pracownia sitodruku UG

Kultura Gniewu

Timof i cisi wspólnicy

Media patronage:

Aleja Komiksu


Draw Your Freedom. Draw Your Solidarity
Solidarity Festival 2009

16 May 2009, 11:11
Магус Регуларус
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Uf ceski da crtav poubo :)

16 May 2009, 14:18
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Зен Мастер Форумџија
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Joined: 23 Jan 2009, 02:23
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Sojma veze to...ako ne probash nema da znajsh.....

ејм фор д бушес!

16 May 2009, 14:21
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Зен Мастер Форумџија
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polska e

Ова погоре напишаното е мое мислење и јас стојам позади него!

16 May 2009, 17:26
Profile YIM WWW
Суперхерој Под Стечај

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I just want to remind you that our comic contest "Draw your freedom.
Draw your solidarity" is coming to the end. The deadline when you can
send your works is 30th of June. If you are interested please check
our website and get involved as soon as possible. The best works are
also to be published by European Solidarity Center.


If upu have any questions please write to:


All the best,
Tomasz Dziemianczuk
+48 501 833 143

21 Jun 2009, 20:47
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