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МАКЕДОНСКИ СТРИП ФОРУМ - View topic - DC Vesti i slichnoti.
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DC Vesti i slichnoti. 
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Пензиониран Мрчатор
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http://www.newsarama.com/comics/agent-o ... 20127.html
Еве нешто повеќе за Alan Scott,првиот Green Lantern.

"There is a power beyond good and evil.The power to create,and the power to destroy!"-Dark Phoenix
The X-Men are dead.Long live the X-Men.
X-Men isn't a comic book. It's a drug.

28 Jan 2012, 01:00
Манга Падаван
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http://www.comicbookresources.com/?page ... e&id=36724


Thor: "Give your orders and ultimatums to those who choose to obey, or are too cowardly to fight, not to me. Or learn again the difference between a God of Thunder and a mortal man in a metal suit"

01 Feb 2012, 12:49
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"There is a power beyond good and evil.The power to create,and the power to destroy!"-Dark Phoenix
The X-Men are dead.Long live the X-Men.
X-Men isn't a comic book. It's a drug.

01 Feb 2012, 12:56
Манга Падаван
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Thor: "Give your orders and ultimatums to those who choose to obey, or are too cowardly to fight, not to me. Or learn again the difference between a God of Thunder and a mortal man in a metal suit"

01 Feb 2012, 13:49
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Зен Мастер Форумџија
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DC can suck my dick...

The only thin line for a man to be on, is the one between motivation and inspiration.
Во сон се родив, во сон живеам, во сон ќе умрам.
Thieves get rich and saints get shot and God don't answer prayers a lot.

01 Feb 2012, 13:56
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http://www.superherohype.com/news/artic ... e-watchmen
ovde ima i sliki
sea ubavo citnav poise statii na net okolu ova i moze da se kaze deka 1) da prvo se pravi radi parite, no
2) citatelite go baraat ova vise 26 godini i sea od koga im go dadoa site se kao :shock: BLASPHEMY!!! -.- ne, ne e blasphemy no mora da se razbere deka DC sakaat da osvojat pazarot..a TDKR i WATCHMEN im se 2te zlatni patki....uvek im bile i ke ostanat uste dooolgo vreme...
3) timot okolu ova: sea od koga razgleav ustvari koi se, moram da kazam deka I wanna see this shit!....gi iame azzarello, cooke, straczynski i wein kako avtori....so ovie lugje nema zaebancija..+ na azzarello i na straczynski im lezi da idat po dark..a za crtaci Bermejo, J.G. Jones, Adam Hughes, Andy & Joe Kubert i Jae "Sweet Dick Willy" Lee...koj od koj podobar....ali so sigurnost lee e najslab :lol: JG Jones se vrakja na golema vrata...
4) ova moze da ispadna opasno jako...sto i mislam deka ke ispadne.....a zasto ne bi ispadnalo
5) alan moore ke mrci......i zauvek ke mrci.....that's his job....ali mene mi se svigja....new 52 ne mi se svigjase i eve nisto od toa ne citam kao "MUST!"...but this? ooooooh this is gonna be a fun ride ;)

The only thin line for a man to be on, is the one between motivation and inspiration.
Во сон се родив, во сон живеам, во сон ќе умрам.
Thieves get rich and saints get shot and God don't answer prayers a lot.

01 Feb 2012, 15:56
Сеирџикус Максимус
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И коментар за насловната:

"Ivan McCann: Why not? It's a perfect representation of what DC are doing to Alan's original work...." :mrgreen:

а иначе ич не ми смета, ќе се прочита, ако е ок, ќе се чита, ако не, нема. прелесно :D


01 Feb 2012, 16:28
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Магус Регуларус
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One does not simply make Watchmen prequels! :ugeek:


01 Feb 2012, 16:33
Манга Падаван
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И мене не ми смета, а и екипата е солидна!

Thor: "Give your orders and ultimatums to those who choose to obey, or are too cowardly to fight, not to me. Or learn again the difference between a God of Thunder and a mortal man in a metal suit"

01 Feb 2012, 16:36
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Зен Мастер Форумџија
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Безпари ми е, така да... :)

We are things that labor under the illusion of having a self, this accretion of sensory experience and feeling, programmed with total assurance that we are each somebody when, in fact, everybody's nobody.

01 Feb 2012, 16:37
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e e e....bespari e....sakas citas sakas ne citas..ali ekipata e mindfuck odlicna :D

The only thin line for a man to be on, is the one between motivation and inspiration.
Во сон се родив, во сон живеам, во сон ќе умрам.
Thieves get rich and saints get shot and God don't answer prayers a lot.

01 Feb 2012, 16:40
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Realno-ke go verojatno poserat...od druga strana-nek ima pa pizda li mu materina....ekipata e zakon.

Alan Mur ima spizdeno fkraj.....

ејм фор д бушес!

01 Feb 2012, 17:36
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eve sto ima pete woods da kaze okolu watchmen i celava fama i toa go sklopuva mn fino
- Pete Woods
Len Wein and Jae Lee on Ozymandius? Excited

Darwyn Cooke on Minute Men? Excited

Azzarello and Bermejo on Rorshach? Excited

Amanda Conner on Silk Spectre? Excited

Kubert family on Nite Owl? Excited

JMS and Jones on Comedian? Excited

JMS and Hughes on Dr. Manhattan? Excited, but not holding my breath. Those two are like krytptonite to deadlines.

I'd be excited for ANY book these creators were on. Not a big deal to me that they are Watchmen books. We like to hold up Batman Year One, The Dark Knight Returns, and Watchmen as sacrosanct. They're just books. They're very good books, but their quality will not be diminished by prequels, sequels, and tie-ins.

I'd love if the market today would support these creators developing new properties, but the reality is that it doesn't. These guys are expensive (and rightfully so- they are some of the best) and for us to get new work from them means that it's got to sell in high numbers. I'll happily pick up a Watchmen prequel if it means I can see Azzarello and Bermejo together again.

The only thin line for a man to be on, is the one between motivation and inspiration.
Во сон се родив, во сон живеам, во сон ќе умрам.
Thieves get rich and saints get shot and God don't answer prayers a lot.

01 Feb 2012, 18:14
Магус Регуларус
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So ogled na ekipava sto ja sobrale, i kvalitetot sto sekoj od avtorive go ima (i toa na najvisoko nivo), pologicno i popravilno bi bilo DC da im dal odvrzani race da napravat nesto spektakularno i na isto nivo kako originalnite Watchmen, ako ne i podobro (sto vsusnost i samiot Alan Mur vo edno staro intervju go kaza, deka Watchmen trebalo da bidat poceten impuls tokmu za takvo nesto za ponatamosen pravec na razvoj na strip industrijata), no sepak da bidat nivni AVTORSKI prikazni, t.e. likovi. Sto se slucuva so ova - se pravi sosema sprotivnoto, se kalemi nesto za sto osven profit nema druga pricina, ke ima eden kup surogat stripovi, koi trgnale od nesto odlicno napraveno pred 25 godini, a so sto mislam deka ke se degradira i samiot originalen strip. A avtorive gi spustile na nivo na naemna sila, argati, koi sto ke potrosat mnogu vreme za ovie kalemenja na star strip (pa makar toa bil i Watchmen) namesto toa vreme da go koristat za da napravat nesto novo, svezo, originalno. I jas mislam deka ke go userat do maximum, no kako i da e, sekako e odlucena rabotava. Ednostavno morase da si se iskazam, da mi olesni malku, that's all :) :mrgreen: :ugeek:


01 Feb 2012, 18:30
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Мене ова не ми изгледа прелошо :mrgreen:
Ќе чекам да излезат сите во една книга и тогаш ќе ги читам.

што се мора не е тешко

01 Feb 2012, 18:33
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"To be brave in battle proves nothing. Bravery itself proves nothing. A Jedi should be prepared to put aside fear, regret and uncertainty and either fight, run, surrender or die."

01 Feb 2012, 20:21
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http://www.newsarama.com/comics/before- ... 20201.html

The only thin line for a man to be on, is the one between motivation and inspiration.
Во сон се родив, во сон живеам, во сон ќе умрам.
Thieves get rich and saints get shot and God don't answer prayers a lot.

01 Feb 2012, 22:46
Зен Мастер Форумџија
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Ash nazg durbatuluk, ash nazg gimbatul, ash nazg thrakatuluk agh burzum-ishi krimpatul :twisted:
One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them, One Ring to bring them all and in the Darkness bind them :D

01 Feb 2012, 23:14
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kje vidime ova so watchmen kako kje ispadne, vo sekoj slucaj kje se proveri.
inaku bez razlika dali kje bide dobro ili loso, bidejki alan moore nema da e vo ekipata,
za mene barem nema da ima efekt kvalitetot na noviot strip vrz mislenjeto za stariot :)

Komic Brew - Your freshly brewed comics

Lynx Animation Studios

02 Feb 2012, 17:25
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Боље што не е во екипава Мур. Тогаш ќе беше тешко срање со тапија. Он е скаран со квалитетот години уназад сега е посветен строго на серење и плукање.

We are things that labor under the illusion of having a self, this accretion of sensory experience and feeling, programmed with total assurance that we are each somebody when, in fact, everybody's nobody.

02 Feb 2012, 17:31
Зен Мастер Форумџија
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Abe.....greota e sho reciklirat.......ama ovoa sve ke kupam...vakva ekipa ne se propushta...edino me cudi Amanda Koner..super e tipkata ama ne e do tolku super....Dodusha nevesta mu e na Palmioti....

ејм фор д бушес!

02 Feb 2012, 17:53
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Зен Мастер Форумџија
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The only thin line for a man to be on, is the one between motivation and inspiration.
Во сон се родив, во сон живеам, во сон ќе умрам.
Thieves get rich and saints get shot and God don't answer prayers a lot.

02 Feb 2012, 18:01
Зен Мастер Форумџија
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Nevervam GIk...neodat tie raboti taka na zapad...mozda zato sho ja crta SIlk Spectre...a Koner crta samo zheni :D....Mada daHjuz bi bil podobar izbor,a nego go opnaja na Menhetn pa.....

ејм фор д бушес!

02 Feb 2012, 18:04
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Зен Мастер Форумџија
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point taken.....i da, crta samo zeni....abe se na se timov e grom....da vidime kakov ke bide finalniot produkt

The only thin line for a man to be on, is the one between motivation and inspiration.
Во сон се родив, во сон живеам, во сон ќе умрам.
Thieves get rich and saints get shot and God don't answer prayers a lot.

02 Feb 2012, 18:08
Зен Мастер Форумџија
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http://www.bleedingcool.com/2012/02/02/ ... -watchmen/
e uste debeliov da vlezel i ova ke bese Jim Lee's X-men all over again

The only thin line for a man to be on, is the one between motivation and inspiration.
Во сон се родив, во сон живеам, во сон ќе умрам.
Thieves get rich and saints get shot and God don't answer prayers a lot.

05 Feb 2012, 04:56
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