
добив на е-мејл порака од некој италијанец кој бара Дилан Дог изданија од Мегапресс? Или можеби е само провокација од нашиот драг "издавач", којшто е познат по своите лажни претставувања во туѓо име, не знам

... Како и да е, ако некој ги има овие изданија можеби ќе му помогне на човекот, јас ги немам, ниту сум колекционер...
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Dylan Dog
Tuesday, April 6, 2010 8:44 AM
"powersad@supereva.it" <powersad@supereva.it>
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Hi there Nikola!
This is Gianfilippo from Italy.
I found your email on deviantart.
I'm a comics book collector and I'm looking the web in order to find contacts from all over the world.
I'm a big fan of the Italian comics character "Dylan Dog" and I'm looking for all the foreign issues of this comics.
I know that between 2005 and 2006 MegaPress 33 published 6 numbers in Macedonia.
This is the reason why I contacted you, I'm asking your help
because it's very hard to find them from here.
If you will be so kind to help me, I will pay for all the expences and shipping to Italy.
I knew that recenlty Varm comics started again with dylan but I already found a contact directly to the publisher.
Can I ask you something? What is the reason for your blog "Hellblazer vs. Dylan Dog" on blogspot? Is it a joke or maybe is there some publication that I ignore?
Let me thank you in advance.
Have a good day.
Gianfilippo Доколку некој од вас има добиено ваков, или сличен мејл, кажете на време, да знам за што се работи...

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A man who uses his hands is a laborer. One who uses his hands and mind is a craftsman. He who uses his hands, his mind, and his heart is an artist.St. Francis